Coming From Money or Creating Money

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Duration: 56:55


Aired Monday, 7 October 2016, 4:00 PM ET

Rebecca Hulse, Creative producer of Joy of Business, has a candid conversation with Georgia Watson and Nathan Glassell about their upbringing with money and how they have used their past to create a different future.

From Nate and Georgia’s favorite tools to create money to how to deal with money challenges, this episode is filled with pragmatic tips and tools you can use to create a different financial reality, no matter where you came from and your current reality with money.

About the Guests Georgia Watson and Nathan Glassell

Native Houstonian, Nathan Glassell studied business and psychology at the University of Houston. He is a former teacher turned Real Estate mogul, managing his company Glassell Interests LLC, while being under 30 years of age. Through his ingenuity, tenacious determination, and desire to create, Nathan has become an expert in his field. When he’s not out renovating homes, he’s focusing on his other start up, Good Vibes For You. The target for Good Vibes is to raise the happiness quota in the world, because he believes the world deserves to be a happier place.

Learn more about Good Vibes For You here:

Georgia Watson is a world renowned dominatrix and erotic hypnotist. She created and runs a lucrative business from conquering areas of her own mind that she previously feared: a lust for control, and the desire to dominate. For 5 years she meditated 3 hours a day while committing to a vow of chastity, no alcohol, no meat, and no eggs. Once she took her first class with Access Consciousness™, the spiritual world she had been fighting to attain became her everyday life. She found that pushing away desires was not the key to enlightenment, and it that was no way to truly live. Her wild success blossomed not from trying to fit into the industry standards of a “dominatrix”, but from exploring what would be fun for her. Self-taught and self-motivated, Georgia is now offering the techniques she uses in her business in classes and private sessions to empower those at the effect of dominating forces in their lives, be it in relationships, business, or family. Her mission is to spread these tools worldwide so that no one ever has to be the victim of a dominator, an abuser, or a bully ever again.

OMTimes Radio
Joy of Business
Simone Milasas
Coming From Money
Creating Money
Rebecca Hulse
Georgia Watson
Nathan Glassell