The Planets this Week: November 6 - 12, 2016

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Duration: 56:46


Aired Monday, 7 November 2016, 9:00 PM ET

What do the planets have in store for you this week? There’s big shifts happening this week with three planets changing signs. Action planets Mars moves into Aquarius on Tuesday which means many of us may find ourselves asserting our independence and individuality. We may long to break free from other people’s expectations and want to experiment with expressing more of our authentic self, taking the risk of letting our eccentricities show. Some of us might hate being told what to do, and if we have any authority issues, they’re likely to appear now and could even get some of us into hot water.

On Friday, love planet Venus moves into Capricorn where it will be until December 7th. While Venus is in Capricorn, and depending on how this transit affects an individual’s natal chart, many of us may find ourselves taking a serious approach to relationships. We will have high standards in love, and are more interested in a long-term commitment than casual dating. Some may have a tendency to view relationships as investments, and want to spend time wisely, rather than wasting any energy on connections that won’t pay off in the long run. At worst, people might be accused of being cold and calculating.

On Saturday, messenger Mercury moves into free-wheeling Sagittarius. Many of us will choose to broaden our worldview and explore a variety of subjects. There’s an urge to tackle new ideas and perspectives, especially of a philosophical nature. Many of us will be asking ourselves life’s big questions, wondering, “what does it all mean?”

Also, nitpicky details, facts and figures are less interesting now, and decisions will be made based on intuition rather than logic or analysis.

Tune in on Monday 6pm PT/9pm ET to find out more…

OMTimes Radio
The Astrology Show
Kelli Fox
The Planets this Week: November 6 - 12 2016
The Planets this Week