Earth - Rocks, Dirt and Being Solid

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Duration: 3:39


Rock Bottom

The floor rises up quickly
Quicker than you thought was possible

But gravity rides everything down too

It sits on your back and pushes

And then you were there,
On the floor,
Barely able to move.
Barely able to breathe.

How did it feel to have nothing to lose again?
How did it feel to have nothing?
Is it comforting to know there is nothing else?
Or is it stressful to have nothing?

Did it feel like the lowest you could go?


To feel solid earth under your feet
To feel it under mine
No shifting so that I may sit
Grounded for once.
I just want to be able to weather the storms
As they come, and they will but for now it would be nice to sit and be

And when the lightning strikes, it wouldn’t bother me
It wouldn’t bother me at all because I’ll be

When the wind blows hard enough to knock down power lines,
I’ll be safe,

When the storms come rolling through,
As they always do,
I’ll be ready because I’ll be

You’ll see me in my little house when you visit
And when you ask if it ever stops shaking,
I’ll tell you, yes,
the ground did


When I say I’m dirty
I mean I am of the earth
I live in the dirt
I play in it
I bathe in it
I wear it as a mark of pride sometimes
But mostly I just wear it
It covers my clothes and the ground I walk on
We are, and we continue to be, one

We all go back to the dirt
In the end
We all go back to the dirt

We all become dirt in the end
We all go back to the dirt

Yes, we absolutely do, my friend
We all go back to the earth

Oh yes, be prepared my friend,
We all end up in a hearse

Mother will eat us whole in the end
She will take us back to the ground

Mother will turn us into food, in the end
She will make sure we are found

Mother will make us into trees, my friend
We will grow out of the ground

We will all be dirt in the end
No better fate around


When everything comes crashing down
And your house trembles while it quakes
Just remember the times when I was around
The world, aflame, breaks
And we broke with it too
No easy feat at all
You survived when the fires blew
You’ll survive the fall

And when your house comes crashing down
And everything around you is dirt
You’ll look back and see the truth
And all of those you hurt
Look back and see the flames, the ash, the pain
Look back and see it all, absolutely and plain
You’ll see the dirt for what it is, nothing but nothing but nothing
You’ll see the dirt for what it is, nothing but nothing but nothing