Edward Nygma | I'm so sorry | Gotham

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xuk3d4ZsIgQ

Duration: 2:15

Ok, its time for my other favourite character in #Gotham -- Ed Nygma AKA The riddler !!! Hope you guys enjoy it.
This Tribute is mainly included Ed in season 4 and some scenes in other seasons. I'm sorry if this tribute doesn't capture Ed nature well enough and all different scenes in season 4. but still, have fun !!!

You Know you are amazing when you are reading the description ;D
#fanvidfeed #gothamtribute #Gothamdeservesbetter #EdwardNygma

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Edward Nygma | I'm so sorry
Gotham I'm so sorry
Edward nygma the riddler
Gotham tribute
Edward nygma tribute
the riddler tribute
the riddler I'm so sorry
Gotham tribute I'm so sorry
Gotham Edward nygma season 4 tribute
Gotham edward nygma season 4
Gotham season 4 tribute