【freetalk?】Ada yg kangen saya? ngobrol bentar yok (ID,EN,CN)

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Crctv4vufmc

Duration: 14:10

Halo! alangkah baiknya baca dulu peraturan ya
Jika kalian tidak mematuhi peraturan dibawah, kamu bisa kena bonk nanti jadi tolong hati hati

Streaming Rules
1. Berperilaku baik selama streaming. Cursing buat bercanda diperboleh kan, tapi inget batas ya.
2.Tolong jangan nyepam dan membully, setiap orang punya cara main dan tingkatan skill masing masing, percaya lah di balik seburuk apapun kamu bermain kamu hanya sedang bad day saja ato mungkin bad timing seperti saya hehe, memberi saran boleh tapi tolong jang terlalu memaksa karena saya juga mau have fun dengan cara saya sendiri

Hello! It would be a good idea to read the rules first
If you don't comply with the rules below, you can get busted later so please be careful

Streaming Rules
1. Behave yourself while streaming. Cursing for fun is allowed, but remember the limit.
2. Please don't bully and bully, everyone has their own way of playing and level of skill, believe me, no matter how bad you play, you're just having a bad day or maybe bad timing like me hehe, giving advice is fine but please don't be too pushy because I also want to have fun in my own way

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#dragonnest #ethernumdragonnest #ethernum

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✦ Twitter: https://twitter.com/JevilleSamael
✦ Email: JevilleSamael@gmail.com/
✦ Instagram: JevilleSamael
✦ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100086519077916/
✦ Discord:https://discord.gg/HeAgZpsxKJ

BGM: Clown – Sakura Girl
ModelAva: https://www.facebook.com/Nakonisola/
Rigging : https://www.facebook.com/AryaFord/
Overlay: https://twitter.com/Liquid_GTX/
ChibbyAva: https://instagram.com/vocamiku_03?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=