Ghosts'n Goblins Resurrection.Jogo do cemitério ''moderninho''?

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Duration: 21:52

Ghosts 'n Goblins Resurrection is a 2D side-scrolling platform game. The game once again features knight Arthur, who must navigate the Demon Realm and battle enemies such as zombies, skeleton murderers, demons, and Pigmen to rescue Princess Prin-Prin (credited as "the Princess") from demon lord Astaroth. Once the player defeats Astaroth and his superior, Lucifer, and finishes the game on any difficulty level except Page, they can complete the Shadow versions of each stage. These rearrange the placement and spawn points of enemies and introduce additional environmental challenges as well as one more final boss fight with an even more powerful demon named Hades.

The player can fight with eight different weapons, including Arthur's iconic lance, which he can throw, and a hammer that induces a shockwave when it strikes the ground. As the player progresses, they will collect umbral bees that unlock and upgrade Arthur's magical and combat skills through a tech tree. Depending on the difficulty level, Arthur may lose his armor in pieces or all at once as he takes hits from enemies.[1]

The game features four difficulty levels: Legend, the most difficult; Knight, the second-most difficult; Squire, the second-easiest difficulty; and Page, the easiest difficulty.[2] If the player dies, they will respawn at a checkpoint (or on the spot on Page). Difficulty in a playthrough cannot be changed permanently, but players will be given an option to lower the difficulty for the remaining part of the level after several consecutive deaths.[1] The game also features a local two-player cooperative multiplayer mode. The second player can play as one of three ancestral spirits: Barry, Kerry, or Archie (known collectively as the "Three Wise Guys"), each of whom has their own abilities that can assist Arthur in his quest.[3]