Help Wanted: We're Looking For Game Show Contestants!

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Duration: 2:52

Are you able to answer simple video game trivia? Then you're just the person we're looking for. It's a brand new year, and Defunct Games is embarking on a new chapter filled with competitive trivia game shows. It's something I've been toying with over the years, and 2017 will be the year I finally commit. Going to jump in head-first and hope for the best. What could possibly go wrong?

No matter what, I want you to be involved. If you think you know more about gaming than everybody else, then I want you to put your skills to the test. We'll match you up against two random people and see who will be the last person standing. Or if you're part of a podcast, website or YouTube channel and want to compete against your fellow hosts, I want to know about it.

Ideally, I want this to be a return to the days when trivia games shows were about, well, the trivia. Too many modern game shows are more about the drama, taking a full hour to ask only a handful of questions. I want this to be rapid fire, covering all kinds of topics, genres, systems and eras. I like the idea of going from Street Fighter II quotes to current events without batting an eye, all in an attempt to see who is better at video game trivia.

If this sounds like something you want to take part in, then I implore you to get a hold of me as soon as possible. You can leave a comment below or send me an email at this address. Yes, that is my working email address. Let me know that you're interested and we'll set up a time to record at your earliest convenience. All you need is a working microphone and an internet connection, and we'll take care of the rest.

I'm serious, this is not a drill. I am desperately looking for willing contestants who like answering dumb video game trivia. With enough people, I want to turn this into a weekly series full of prizes and fun. So if you want to participate, or know somebody who might be interested, please don't hesitate to get a hold of me. Together we can make my totally selfish dream of becoming a game show host a reality in 2017. So who's with me?

game show
help wanted
video game trivia
retro gaming