Lenovo ThinkVision LT1421 Portable Monitor Review

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=29Ec-gZk6Sk

Duration: 4:39


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Ok - I will admit, I was stuck. Some by my own doing, some by circumstances beyond my control. Here I am, 3195 miles away from home, a dead laptop (due to me watching films on the flight cross country - and not bringing my laptop charger with me) and a presentation I had to give in a few hours. The charger was solved easily (the IT dept. loaned me one during my visit) but not being able to connect my laptop to the wonky 7 yr old projector they had - we, that was a different issue altogether. My boss panicked, I - on the other hand - had my backup sitting in my laptop bag.

I utilized the Lenovo ThinkVision LT1421 monitor and kept moving in stride. Since my training session was small, I was able to put the monitor in the middle of the table and let everyone see my PowerPoint as I meant for it to be seen - while still looking at the notes I had for each page. It was a game changer - it allowed them to watch comfortably while following along in the documents I have presented. At the end, my boss congratulated me for my quick thinking resourcefulness, and that this made the meeting feel more intimate and interactive.It was a rousing success - It helped me save the day, and went back and forth across the country with great ease. I had it in my carryon the whole time, and it weight little more then a notebook, and folded down to the same size as one.

I was able to break it out, and set it up in little less then a minute, and it was a clear as watching my own laptop screen, while giving me the benefit of not having to stand huddled around my laptop during the presentation. Once I finally got back on the plane headed home - I realized that the day could have been a disaster - if not for the the Lenoivo ThinkVision LT1421 monitor- and we would have come away looking unprofessional. Instead, I was the hero of the day, with the Lenovo ThinkVision LT1421 monitor coming off the bench to my aid.


Screen Size- 14" wide

resolution- 1366x768

Brightness(nits)- 200

Power- 5 watts

Dimensions 8.58"x13.9"x.37"D

warranty 3 years

Portable Monitor
Video Review Laptop
Mobile Device