Mafia 2 DE PS5 Story Chapter 2: Home Sweet Home

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Mafia II
Mafia II (2010)
Duration: 39:17

Home Sweet Home is the 2nd chapter in Mafia II.


February 8th, 1945
Arriving Home

Home Sweet Home 1
Joe welcomes Vito home
Almost two years after the battle of San Celeste, Vito Scaletta arrives in Empire Bay, home on a month long leave after being wounded in battle. As he steps into the train station he's surprised to see his best friend Joe Barbaro waiting for him. They decide to go for a beer and as Joe drives, they talk about Vito being home, the weather, and how long it had been since they last had a drink together. Vito thinks it was at Tony Sachelli's party, but Joe reminds him it was after his old man's funeral, right before Vito shipped out. The conversation turns to the war and Vito tells Joe how Don Calò helped them take out Mussolini and how he received a medal from General Patton. After some more small talk, they arrive at Freddy's Bar.

Drinks at Freddy's

Over drinks Joe learns Vito is only home on leave after being in the hospital and has to go back in a month. He excuses himself to make a phone call, then returns to tell Vito he won't be going back. Joe contacted a friend, Giuseppe Palminteri, a master forger who will make Vito a set of official discharge papers. After reassuring Vito the papers will be clean and he won't get into any trouble, a thankful Vito leaves Freddy's to go home for the night.

Family Reunion

Vito & Joe Humphreys
Vito and Joe have a drink
After a short taxi ride, Vito greets a few people from his old neighborhood in Little Italy, then heads to the Scaletta Family Apartment where his tearful mother hugs him at the door. After catching up with his mamma and sister Frankie, the family enjoys a home cooked meal. The next morning Vito informs his mother about Joe's deal to keep him home for good, and after reassuring her everything will be alright, she insists he go see Derek Pappalardo at the docks about a job. Vito promises her he will, then heads out to see Joe.

Family Debt

As Vito leaves the apartment he notices a man harassing his sister and confronts him, which leads to a fistfight with him. Afterward Francesca tells him that their father left the family two thousand dollars in debt to a loan shark when he died and they need to pay them back by the end of the week. Vito promises Frankie he will take care of it and leaves for Joe's Apartment, where Joe discusses Vito's money problems and invites him to stay with him as long as he needs. Then they leave to see Giuseppe at his shop and pick up Vito's discharge papers.

Learning the Ropes

Home Sweet Home 4
Vito steals the '42 Jefferson
After selling Joe the paperwork, Giuseppe teaches Vito the art of lock picking, which he immediately puts to use by stealing a Jefferson Provincial parked outside. Next, Joe introduces Vito to Tommy, a mechanic at Charlie's Service & Repair, who sells them a clean set of license plates for Vito's new car. Once they're done there the two head off to Riverside where Joe introduces Vito to Mike Bruski, a junk yard owner who deals in stolen cars. Mike offers Vito $400 to get him a Walter Coupe to sell for parts and Vito takes the job.

The Ride Home

After dropping the stolen car off to Mike, the two drive back to Joe's place and Vito expresses concern over how dangerous the job was, stating he didn't live through the war just to die in Sand Island. Joe lets him know that it's all part of the deal, and if he wants to make good money that's the risk he has to take. Vito agrees, realizing he's not qualified to do anything else anyway.

Mafia II: Definitive Edition