Meet and Greet 11/11, Debate 11/10, Wicked Wokies, Miracles in Iran and China

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Duration: 2:21:59

Sal will be at Burke Community Church 11/11/22 at this event with Os Guiness:

The Waning of the West, the War of the Worlds, and the Faith That Is the Key to the Outcome with Dr. Os Guinness
Cultural observer and scholar, Dr. Os Guinness, will address the war that is being waged, not only between Ukraine and Russia, but between the radically different worldviews of Secularism represented by the French Revolution and Biblical Faith rooted in the Exodus.

The defining moment for our civilization is at hand. The influence of the West is waning, worldviews are at war and the idea of human freedom is in limbo. What can we as followers of Jesus Christ do about it? What role does our faith play both in this world and the world to come? Dr. Guinness will provide not only an analysis of this crisis but look at the path that leads to true freedom for humanity.

This event is available both in-person and via livestream. For those in the Washington, DC area, we encourage you to join us in-person for the following reasons:

-It’s exciting
-The experience is more enriching when learning together
-Meet new friends or catch up with old friends that you haven't seen in a while
-Submit questions during the Q&A portion of the program
-Get an autographed book by Os Guinness
-Light refreshments available

Dates: Friday, November 11, 2022
Times: 7:30 - 9:00 pm ET
Location: Burke Community Church, 9900 Old Keene Mill Rd, Burke, VA 22015
Cost: $10/person for in-person

Sal lays out his strategy for the 11/10/22 Debate: Sal vs. JF Gariepy on Creation vs. Evolution
JF's wiki entry:

​My talk with Sy Garte:

Sal will comment on the Wicked Wokies and their negative effect on the USA as well as the recent election. The video he showed was by Badger Pundit:

Opening Music from Winnie9212, Colonel Bogey March, March from Bridge to the River Kwai:

Opening Music from End Credits of Silent Service:

Evidence And Reasons for the Christian Faith (sister channel)

Evidence Reasons Academy (the sister Academic Channel)


If you feel this channel has blessed you and others, you're invited to donate gifts via PayPal:

End Music and Video was from "High Flight" (Poem by John Gillespie MacGee Jr.):

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