Metal Wario Dies in a fight against Metal Mario to Unsideline Tri-Rail 501.mp3

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Duration: 0:58

Today marks 6 years after the dreaded Tri-Rail derailment at Pompano Beach that saw Cab Car 501 sidelined for what seems to be indefinitely, but it was never officially retired. Ever since then, 501 seems to have gained a cult following due to the mysterious nature it has gained. The plan seems to be that it will return this year once the Downtown Miami Extension is ready, but others claim it's being used as a parts source. We don't really know for sure.

The script of this video:

"On January 28th, 2022, the 6th Anniversary of the derailment that sidelined TRCX 501, the officials of Tri-Rail made an agreement to determine if it should be brought back or not, where a NIMBY, the Virgin Metal Mario, and a Railfan, the Chad Metal Wario, would have a "Metal Battle" hosted right at Fort Lauderdale Station. For the occasion, they pulled out 501 from the yard and brought it over there (trust me, people were fighting to get shots of it running again for the first time in 6 years). The Station mostly cleared out, except for four other Railfans who wanted to see the fight up close, all rooting for Wario. However, Metal Mario ended up winning out of pure Plot Armor, killing Wario in the process, and then in excitement to that 501 would never run again, he ran up to it, and pushed it over, derailing it and making it fall over onto the platform. No one was crushed, but one of the Railfans watching ended up dying of shock and heartbreak to seeing 501 derailed again. One other railfan reportedly "had wings, and just flew away", and the other two broke down on the ground, one over what just happened to 501, but the other was actually upset because apparently, if it was bad for Tri-Rail's permanent record, it would be good for Brightline. Afterwards, Metal Mario was arrested, and 501 was hauled away, disappearing back into an unknown status, only now, much worse, like 509 is right now."

Background photo is credit to Bob Vogel.

Tri-Rail 501 horn samples credit to casualrailfan98.