NICK54222 MUGEN End of 2017 Tournament Roster

Published on ● Video Link:

Duration: 5:53

So here is the roster of characters you can choose from for the tournament coming up. This is for the end of the year, not the one starting on the 21st. I'm posting this now to allow you guys a head start in choosing a character in the tournament. Or rather, allowing you guys to start choosing before it's too late due to how only 26 slots are remaining. I need to have 32 teams by November, so if necessary, let other MUGEN fans out there join my tournament. Let them know.

Some of the 128 combatants from the Anniversary tournament are here albeit under new versions this time around.

Also, only the Duck Hunt Dog shown in the video has the wrong version. Everyone else who had an AI Patch does not have it in the video. Namely, AI Patches from eruk, shao, and yuka were noted in their names.

4 people are also shown to have already entered.

Since the YouTube description was too long to include all of these characters and their versions, I had to find another way to get that post here. This is a link to a PDF for all the characters I plan to use on my OneDrive.

NOTE: The tournament is over and a new one is about to begin, so that file is not available anymore...

So I suggest you look over the entire roster, as well as the PDF of all the versions I plan to use, and choose two characters from that roster to represent you if you are interested in participating in the tournament.

I have a list of teams that are in with the exception of my team and masterchief117ist's teams. This is if you want to use different characters. But characters can be used on more than one team ONLY if they are using normal palettes should they have cheap palettes.

Currently registered teams:

Daniel Lewis: Nash and Gon
Gonzalo Diaz Moles: Homer Simpson and Kirito
Harvyj197727: Spider Man and Haruhi Suzumiya
Tim Wailordlover: Alex Kidd and Yuri Sakazaki
UGRedSeaDevils: Remilia Scarlet and Colonel Sanders
Mario Head: Goku and Peter Griffin

Slots left: 24

End of 2017
MUGEN Roster