Nightshift Chronicles: Goose's Pub Nightmare

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Duration: 3:52

Hello, Goose Company fam! 🎮🦢

We've got a musical treat in store for you! While we set our sights on sharing exciting news about SNAG 3 and the demo version of our upcoming game, we fell just short of our goal. But we're not giving up!

As a token of our appreciation for your incredible support, we're thrilled to present a brand new song dedicated to the SNAG universe. It's a melody that celebrates the Goose Company community and your unwavering enthusiasm.

Now, here's the exciting part: the demo version of our upcoming game is waiting in the wings, ready to take flight! We're committed to delivering it as soon as we reach 100 likes and 100 "+" votes under this post:

Your engagement and enthusiasm mean everything to us, and we can't wait to share this adventure with you. Stay tuned for updates and keep those likes and votes coming to unlock the gaming excitement! 🎵🚀 #SNAGSong #DemoGoals

(Verse 1) [Night 1 - Rap Style]
Yo, welcome to the game, first night on the clock,
Listen up, it's crucial, you're in for a shock,
Left and right, doors to your office, see,
White button's for light, red button, safety plea,
Hallucinations might haunt, a giant goose in sight,
Don't blink twice, close the door, keep your fright,
Jerry, the last guard, warned you right,
Good luck, my friend, make it through the night.

(Verse 2) [Night 2 - Rap Style]
Night two, here we go, hope you're feelin' strong,
Animatronics act strange, it won't be long,
Watch 'em on the cams, don't step in their zone,
Energy's finite, don't let it all be gone,
No hallucinations, this is the real deal,
Keep that power saved, it's your only shield,
Stay sharp, stay smart, keep your wits tight,
Survive the night, make it to the morning light.

(Verse 3) [Night 3 - Rap Style]
Night three, you're alive, that's a win,
I got news 'bout a musk duck suit, my friend,
In a box, it's stashed, might help you hide,
Unproven but try it, stay on the ride,
No time for slumber, don't doze at your post,
Safety rules on the wall, take 'em close,
This job's gettin' harder, it's gonna get tight,
Keep your eyes open, embrace the night.

(Verse 4) [Night 4 - Rap Style]
Fourth shift, you're cruisin', ain't it neat?
Got some bird toys, make your work life sweet,
But remember, don't sleep, stay alert and keen,
No time for nappin', you know what I mean,
Birds in the dark, it's a dangerous scene,
Watch out for surprises, stay in between,
Good luck, stay focused, in the dim moonlight,
Seven nights to conquer, gotta win the fight.

(Verse 5) [Night 5 - Rap Style]
Fifth night's here, gettin' close to the end,
Keep your cool, my friend, on your guard, defend,
Safety rules on the wall, heed the call,
Snot's a no-go, or you'll take a fall,
Goose and penguin, they're actin' too bold,
Aggressive and restless, as the story's told,
Stay sharp, stay vigilant, it's a midnight flight,
Survive this shift, push through the fright.

(Verse 6) [Night 6 - Rap Style]
Sixth night, strange thoughts, I gotta say,
Duck's-eye view, what's the world like, okay?
Elevator by the office, a mystery in sight,
But now I'm a hero, in the darkest night,
Goose from the right, penguin from the left,
It's a showdown, my friend, to the very last breath,
Remember me well, as I fade from the light,
Stay strong, keep the rhythm, through the endless night.

(Verse 7) [Night 7 - Rap Style]
Night seven, the message from high above,
You're done, my friend, gotta pack up and move,
Unprofessionalism, a rule that you broke,
Penguin's in repair, it's no joke,
Time to find a new path, away from this bar,
Bid farewell to the animatronic stars,
Goodbye, it's the end, it's the final fight,
Exit the stage, into the fading night.

(Verse 8) [Night 8 - Rap Style]
Eighth night, a dream, a surreal delight,
Back in Goose's Pub, it's a never-ending fight,
Energy's low, gotta recharge the soul,
Press the button, regain control,
But it's a dream, no escape in sight,
Beware of the birds, as they take their flight,
In this endless loop, hold on to your might,
In the dream's dark rhythm, survive the night.

As the night fades away, and the dream begins to wane,
In the world of endless darkness, where fears remain,
Remember the trials, the battles you've won,
In Goose's twisted nightmare, where it all begun,

Now the journey's over, it's time to break free,
From the animatronic terrors, and the endless spree,
You've conquered the madness, faced the fears in sight,
In this final verse, bid the Goose's Pub goodnight,

Though the nightmares may linger, and the memories stay,
You've emerged stronger, in your own unique way,
In the realm of dreams, where the shadows take flight,
You've survived the darkness, and you've earned your light,

So close the book on this chapter, let the tale unwind,
In the rhythm of the rap, you've left your fears behind,
From the first night to the dream's endless flight,
You've triumphed, my friend, now embrace the morning light.