Orcs vs Empire 2011 11 19

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMIl_2WIicE

Duration: 16:02

Game 3: Go Out With a Bang!

You've exhausted every resource, but there is just no hope. All the top doctors in the land can't figure out what poison was given to you and all they can agree is that you few mere days to live. You could feel sorry for yourself, or blame yourself for killing the bartender, but you have business to take care off. Now is the time to name your successor and go out with a bang. You don't want to be known as the general that got poisoned, you want to be known as the general who got poisoned and took a legion of his enemies down with him...

Players roll off for sides and the winner deploys the first unit (alternate after that). Units may be deployed anywhere within 30 inches of the right corner of their long board edge, however the general and his unit gain the vanguard special rule with the added benefit of being able to charge on turn 1. Pick one non-monster model to be the successor, this model gains +1 wound, +1 attack, +2 weapons skill, and +2 leadership (use unmodified leadership to determine who the general is). The general on the other hand is at -2 attack, -2 str, and -2 wizard levels. Roll of for first turn with the player that finished deploying first getting +1. Starting on player turn 3, roll a dice for your general, on a 4+ he lives but on a 1-3 he dies and the successor now becomes the general. If passed roll again at the start of the next player turn. The game lasts 6 turns.

- Destroy an enemy unit on turn 1.
- Destroy an enemy unit on turn 2.
- Destroy an enemy unit on turn 3.
- Kill at least 1 model with the successor.
- The successor must survive the game.
