RING (KC Green Music Video)

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W-CYTJHR4LI

Duration: 5:53


From KC Green:

Originally done for a sonic zine with friends, then colored and used as Gunshow #600, I don’t think I’ll ever forget this odd comic.

This “story” was largely inspired from the song “Lewis Takes off his Shirt” by Owen Pallett.

The song, especially the chorus of “I’m never gonna give it to you” brought up imagery in my head that lead to coming up with an idea for a faux-game where you ask for an old wedding band from your dad who has had trouble getting over the death of his own mother, your grandma. Then it blends into fantasy w/ it being like a game. He runs away to a big castle. Your dad is the last boss. W/e. It was 2012. But I thought something could be done with the idea and kept it. Not sure how to use it and not having the time to craft a big story out of it.

Then I was asked by @beckyandfrank to bring something to their sonic the hedgehog zine “SpeedHog” and after some bashing my head to think of anything with sonic (I was a nintendo kid mostly), the “Lewis Takes off his Shirt” idea came back into my head and I just reshaped it into this slightly dumber comic about sonic. But not that dumb. I mean, the idea of wedding rings and sonic’s rings were right there.

I guess I could have come up with a gag about tails or something with knuckles, but I liked what came of the original idea. I like that it’s about Sonic. This was another case of stopping being so precious with ideas. It wasn’t wasted. It was used! I always remember this comic when that feeling of “but what if” when an idea I think has a lot of merit occurs. Just Do It. You’ll get hella ideas in your lifetime of creativity.

Anyway, thats my thoughts, bye.

From me:

Another video I've been wanting to make for a while. The blurb above made me want to listen to the song Lewis Takes Off His Shirt, and I liked it. At the time, I was into animating and animation. Not so much anymore. But I still play fun little music videos in my head when I hear certain songs. Does anyone else do that? I hope so.

Anyway, despite having grown up with the SNES and N64 back in the day (my literal first gaming memory is playing Super Mario World on the SNES at my cousins' house at the age of four), I do find Sonic the Hedgehog to be a much more interesting character than Mario. However, this does not mean I like his games better. I love everything surrounding Sonic. I love the comics, I like the cartoons, and even those two live action movies are pretty decent. The games, however... eh. The Genesis games are a bit too frustrating for my tastes. But Sonic Adventure 2 was pretty good from what little I've played of it.

But anyway, now I've made this. I've taken KC Green's Gunshow strip about Sonic and set it to Lewis Takes Off His Shirt. It's not exactly what I wanted, but all things considered, I'm kind of happy with the way it turned out. I hope you like it too.

Gotta go fast.