s5 from midboss to descent

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kfdwLWh5eDM

Duration: 1:50

dash to the right, slowly stream clockwise until those enemies that aim interestingly come up, then you restream four times (delay thesecond restream, there are enemies in the middle that aim at you, gotta kill them first) until a big enemy appears
stream its first phase unfocused, then focus on it asap (go left-right a few times in front of it; if you're late, you'll lock onto a building and make this part weird)
when it explodes, go to the left half of the screen and shoot stuff unfocused until stuff appears from the right, then misdirect it to be far away from the outside, shoot it focused, do it with the left wave too, but closer to the end of it dash to the top right corner, lock onto a b uilding and an enemy behind it (do circular motions to avoid aimed bullets), if you're late you won't be able to lock onto it
when it explodes, dash to the right, unfocus and shoot stuff in front, there are aimed enemies, a power item and a building that contains a 1-up, dash up to get it and immediately after stream stuff from a big enemy above (do the previous strat to defeat it)
go to the left during its explosion, stream to the right, then back to the left, be sure to end on the left side when a new big enemy appears -- this time its phase is NOT determined by damage but by its position
so stream to the right and ignore everything until buildings
stream, destroy buildings, lock onto the guy (if you don't, you'll die), kill it and dash to the right, stream clockwise, restream when the game lets you, focus and hold right for a while, then tap right until the next wave comes, restream again, unfocus and shoot the same enemy as before while streaming from right to left (important!), restream when it switches phase, stream to the right during its second phase until you reach the right wall, then stream into the aimed hell to get out, bomb two aslødkgs, descent happens afterwards