Straydog - Mission 0

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Duration: 6:55

NOTE: I used Sgt Mark IV's vehicle code for this project, but he wasn't an active participant. Don't interpret his programming credit as endorsement for what I did with the code.

I've made controversial mods in the past. I took flak for Operation Body Count because it portrayed muslim extremist terrorists as....muslim extremist terrorists. *shrug* I took flak for The Cronus Camp for Wayward Boys because it took the piss out of feminism and the idea of "toxic masculinity". But this is the one that got me tarred, feathered, and ultimately banned by what appears to be a largely Marxist Doom community. I'll explain below since no doubt if anyone talks about me in those circles now, they make me out to be a horrible racist monster or some such passive-aggressive soyboy nonsense.



tl;dr version: Protests must be peaceful. Marxism and wokeness ruin everything and everyone they touch, including Doom. And tanks are fucking awesome.

Long version:
I began work on this project after I watched CNN's live coverage of Day Three of the BLM/Antifa Riots in Minneapolis for five hours, and compared it to what was being posted on social media by civilians and indie journalists live at the same scene. I was appalled to see CNN (and other MSM networks, it turned out) actively avoiding the violent areas and labeling the rioters "protesters" no matter who they hurt nor how many buildings they burned down. Even when standing in front of a riot with burning buildings in the background, they kept up the charade of calling them "peaceful protests". The following day when CNN happily showed footage of the police finally responding to the violence in kind, I was even more disgusted, because anyone naive enough to only watch the MSM's coverage of the "protests" would now see what they believed to be peaceful protesters being beaten and tear gassed. Even now they call the ongoing riots "protests" despite the total lack of connection to social injustice in general, and people are still stupid and angry enough to believe them and attack anyone who doesn't actively support BLM.

So I made this project partly as a fun tank game, and partly as a way to stick it to these "activist" groups and phony journalists who deliberately lie and mislead people, and whose tactics are identical to those of the Russian and Chinese communist revolutionaries. Their lies have gotten people killed, ruined lives, and made it dangerous to criticize them. That ranks them up there with the Nazis and ISIS in my book.

When I shared this project at last on the zdoom forums, I immediately got blasted and accused of edgelord shitposting and making a game where you get to kill protesters, despite no actual protesters being present in the game as enemies: only rioters, looters, gang members, domestic terrorists, and sometimes military personnel. Protestors stand on the sidewalk with signs, or create memes. They don't commit the heinous crimes most of these missions were based on. A good friend threw me under the bus and publicly shamed me in a locked thread where I couldn't defend myself. At that point, I stormed out of the community for good, and took my toys with me in a fit of childish anger. Some nice people talked me out of my hole and I decided to release the mod anyway, with a few updates so even the woke marxists of the Doom community couldn't possibly twist my message into "he wants to kill protesters" without some intense mental gymnastics. I support people's right to -peaceful- assembly whether I agree with, disagree with, or even abhor their message. When you start inciting violence and hurting people, your message becomes irrelevant, and your ass deserves to be kicked.

So here’s a fun tank game in the Doom engine. If you support the message, great. If you don’t want to be bothered with blatant politickin’, all the briefings are skippable: just walk away from the phone and get to blowin’ shit up.
