Sword of the Skulls Episode 4 (Abridged)

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZcCC_joeeLw

Duration: 40:11

After a fellow escapee.. uh.. escapes, the mysterious drow with an interest in the party's freedom *also* slinks off, leaving Malia and Vermillion to take Jad and Lilith to talk to the bereaved Palasam as promised.

Jad gets that minor inconvenience that has had him at death's door looked at by a priestess of Lastia, and a new mystery is presented.

Before the party can go sidequesting though, they are confronted by a certain angry gnome.. will they survive? Will someone have burned their last spell slot for a bit before combat begins? Will someone learn they can summon a piscine/human hybrid helper for the low low price of rage induced murder? Will there be AN ACTUAL SONG AT THE END OF ALL THIS??

Watch and find out, and catch us live at https://www.twitch.tv/AusQuest

Dungeons & Dragons
Aussie Streamers
Actual Play