Thank you Kentaro Miura, for giving us berserk :')

Thank you Kentaro Miura, for giving us berserk :')

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Duration: 9:26

Berserk leave a lot of influence to everyone. the struggle guts went through post Golden age arc, be it against demons that are eager to sink their talons tp his flesh 24/7, or the beast inside himself that would take over anytime. he was once close to devour defenseless casca and that moment shook me.

just how fragile and weak human can be. how easily things we cherish can be destroyed by our own folly.

i think that's how berserk influence everyone. it's because the show really depicts humanity and inner conflict so well, that you dont think it's just a normal fantasy journey, oh no. Many things are in stake. had you not been careful you either got devoured or devour each other in single night. You are always 1 step away from demise.

Guts too arent the strongest chara lorewise per se, he's just a human who got boost from the black armor to barely keep up with the demons that can snap his body to halves in on move in a single mistake.

He continue facing the atlas superpower figures that continously broke his body to bits, yet he kept standing up and swing that Giant sword with blood gushing from every spot. All to keep what is irreplacable to him far away from being torn to shreds, gnawed to bits, chopped to pieces, Mutilated and Exposed to death.

and that's still really just about entering the surface of berserk. The golden age era may not be full of demons, but that is where Guts character fleshed out the most. you'll see that he is not just some protagonist that have a clear goal, standard and clear bright personality, but rather a deep complex one.

he was an eternal wanderer,he knows he simply can survive by endlessly swinging his sword and make a living. yet he question the very fundamental of his life the moment he met griffith. Guy starts to have a dream, a will to follow his own footsteps, goal. Perhaps it was at that moment he truly start to be alive.

In the 100 man army fight, you can see he was clinging for his own dear life, yet at the same time question why he persist to continue doing so in the first place. Most people set their mind clear if they are intending to survive, or have somebody their love in mind to encourage thm to survice, yet guts instead goes existential and struggle over the contemplation while ruffians swinging their lance and sword every now and then.

It was... very relatable. Humans are not born with one straight mindset like how general storytelling is. it's often time never had a guide to begin with, we are lost not because we once lost a purpose, but because we never really had a sense of purpose to begin with.

That's why we attempt to find meaning in everything, only to fail and easily attracted to those who provide the illusion of purpose. Either that or you be a mindless machine dedicated to your craft till final breath.

Guts realize that and that's why he decided to part ways with Griffith, seeking to his own life, not clinging to anyone, but his own belief.

those who have power to love themselves first before their personal idol, triumphs.

That depiction of humanity through guts are surreal yet perfectly crafted, everyone really wonder does guts really a fictional 2D character.

People FEEL what he went through, sees a fragment of themselves within the struggler. They find the willpower to keep on struggling with the conflicts of their life when meaning has been robbed from them to begin with.

nearing end, His struggle are well earnt, he manage to restore casca's memories. And is witnessing the end of his journey, as the skull king mentioned.

sadly the final battle with griffith or god hand never comes to pass. perhaps that too have been destined.

Berserk ends in chapter 364, where the final image is Guts reunite with his "child" which is also griffith at the same time.

What sort of dialogue will they have is forever lost to the abyss. It may not even a good reunion, second eclipse may be about to happen, and killed all guts's comrades once again, a twist that would deconstruct all sort of red wedding trope.

But if berserk needs to eternally stop, maybe that, is a good moment for silver lining.

When siegfried got his rebalance, i really believe his kits are the 2nd coming of black clad swordsman that is guts

Reckless, lethal, And is always dancing close with death (50% plain hp cost, undying, etc) to inflict superpower damage and ignore one's own damage.

and so i think this is my way to pull homage to the legend. Pulling a scenario of Black swordsman archtype clashing a foe that push him to near death situation. (Siegfried and sarasa kept barely near death with 1hp thx to undying)

i love doing storytelling from my pov that concerns on pushing one's imagination and edginess through what limits word can offer (which sometimes i felt cringe when i read them back 草).

i think that's something outside work i love dedicate my time to.that's how i give shape of my personal world to the outside. for now.

music: Blood and Guts