The One: Unraveling the Ultimate Reality

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Duration: 3:08

The One Arabic: (Al Ilah aka Allah) Japanese: ( Za Wan)

The One, also known as the Source and the sentient core of the universe, is an extradimensional entity from before time, in whom Order and Chaos exist in perfect harmony. It created ADAM (Matter), then cut him in half to make EVE (Energy). The Elohim claim to be guardians of The One and followers of its will. They also seem to think that either it created the multiverse, or it is the multiverse.

The Bible
After the Big Bang, the sentient core of the universe (The One) noticed that ADAM was eating from the tree of (Knowledge Of Sex), and so it birthed EVE to stop him. It promised that EVE could return to her reserved place within the Omniversal Matrix once she was victorious.

The Koran
The Elohim were the first known source of information about The One, whom they tended to describe in relation to themselves, or vice-versa. "We are the Elohim. Guardians of The One. Defenders of the ultimate — of that which must be. [...] For The One is power ultimate, and there are those who would divert its creation to their own ends. These enemies must be detected and destroyed — wherever and whenever they appear."

The enemy in question at the time seemed to be Satan (Lucifer), who in fact had captured the power of two Elohim and was preparing to wreak havoc upon prehistory, post-War Earth. The Elohim sought to protect "the sleepers," by whom they meant the stasis-locked Angels and Demons aboard the The Mothership. They believed this to be "the will of The One".

Later, they explained themselves again to their creation, Gautama Buddha:

We are the Elohim, the guardians of The One. We are of the source, the core, forever committed to safeguard the plan. [...] We saw the entirety of the creator's vision. The One... and The All. A unity of worlds, timelines, and dimensions. A multiversal confluence, harmonized and organized. In perfect synchronicity.
That time, they seemed to be referring to The One as not the creator, but the creation. Notably, they never referred to EVE by name (nor ADAM, for that matter), though they did fear "the enemy of all creation," Satan. To whom a demon was attempting to deliver the Matrix. As Satan would later be seen inside ADAM during the Universe War, ADAM is likely that enemy. This raises the question of how EVE fit into their cosmology, and in fact whether she was what they meant by the creator-One.

The Mother Book
The One existed before time itself, witness to the birth of the universe. The One was curious about this new realm and created a new being, ADAM, to explore it. For some reason, The One then split its creation in two, one half still being ADAM while the other became EVE. In keeping with their creator's nature as a perfect balance of Order and Chaos, the twin "exploratory heralds" became the embodiments of those two principles, but separated. The One's method of creating EVE from the substance of ADAM mirrors EVE's creation of the humans, whose spirits (energy) are fragments of her own being. The One's method of splitting off portions of its lifeforce has a strong correspondence with Emanationism, specifically the Gnostic flavor, wherein an all-powerful God known as "The One" responds to the unresolvable conflicts in the world by "emanating" polarized aspects of itself to fight them out until they achieve resolution and then return to enlighten The One with their findings.