These people disgust me...

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Duration: 30:32

Current update on the situation. Tony has reached out and has agreed to immediately take action to cull these individuals from their team, as well as work with us to cull any additional members who might engage in this behavior in the future. The only statement Afterconflict has made is leaving comments on this video calling us mentally ill. I'll update this as the situation evolves.

Link to our Discord:
Link to our game:

0:00 What this video was going to be...
0:18 Disclaimer...
0:44 Not all evidence will be shown... there is more.
1:02 They will be watching this video.
1:26 There are a lot more people involved in this than I'll show here.
1:50 I would like to ask for your help.
2:21 People will threaten to kill me because of this video. Which is stupid, but whatever.
2:35 These threats won't come from random fans, they'll come from developers of other projects.
2:57 Let's talk about the first game.
3:21 Studio closure.
4:01 The reaction to my previous video.
4:24 The studio's comeback.
4:45 The studio's Discord server.
5:13 Behavior of new onboards.
5:54 Who are these new onboards?
6:22 Initial concerning behavior.
6:59 This issue seems to be strongest in all servers related to the same game era.
7:14 Escalating concerning behavior.
8:03 Mailbomb threat.
8:26 Family threats.
9:25 This isn't an isolated scenario.
10:09 This game era attracts these individuals for some reason.
10:46 Disclaimer...
11:03 Let's talk about the second game.
11:30 Lead programmer's opinion about myself and our game.
11:57 Developer sends pictures of his boi (or someone's boi) to our developers.
12:21 That's not even the bad stuff yet.
12:27 Development team nationality.
12:48 This individual cleared their entire vetting process.
13:47 Developer background.
14:50 I'm not real big on Nazis.
15:10 This problem is bigger than any of these individual projects.
15:42 There is a wide variety of individuals applying to different studios.
16:00 Why are content creators overlooking these huge signs?
17:08 This isn't just one creator or studio... lots of people are overlooking these issues.
17:36 What does letting these individuals slip past your vetting process say about the rest of your team?
18:14 I've been here for a while...
19:13 Do you not know these people?
19:30 There are only two answers to explain how these people are getting into these teams...
20:00 I now have a track record of alerting studios to this behavior, and nothing gets done.
20:17 Again... I'm not real big on Nazis.
20:31 If you hire people like this... what does that say about the future of this project?
20:56 Again... this isn't an isolated situation.
21:28 Even if they get fired, they will change their identities and attempt to destroy the evidence.
21:50 Are the studios who are hiring these individuals negligent or complicit?
22:08 I'm ready to defend myself in court.
23:36 If you want to prove that you aren't affiliated with these individuals you need to cut ties immediately or I will consider you complicit.
24:14 If anyone watching this video agrees with rooting out this behavior from the industry, please assist me in gathering evidence about these incidents.
25:30 There was a time when this kind of behavior from developers wasn't okay. We need to bring that time back.
26:26 For the individuals who will attempt to destroy the evidence, I want you to understand that not only do I maintain hard copies of what you've done but I also establish multiple witnesses who can confirm your behavior even if you delete the evidence of it.
27:15 If you were unaware of this behavior, you need to take action and remove these individuals from your team immediately or I will perceive you as supporting their behavior.
27:53 Thank you for watching this video, and thank you for any help you can provide.
28:11 Hold all developers accountable. Period.
30:22 See you in the next video.