Uninstall Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software in Windows 10 (2023 UPDATED)

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_FE84KGjfhw

Duration: 3:14

Task: Uninstall Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software (aka, Intel PROSet/Wireless Control Panel).
Info: This vid's goal is to help uninstall the Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software cleanly. TRY this best uninstall tool@ https://macpaw.audw.net/c/376211/154407/1733 if you're having trouble doing so on your own.

i. There are a few ways to uninstall Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software in Windows.
Method 1: Uninstall from Control Panel

Open Control Panel.
Click on Programs and Features.
Click on Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software.
Click on Uninstall.
Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the uninstall process.

Method 2: Uninstall from Device Manager

Open Device Manager.
Expand Network adapters.
Right-click on Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software and select Uninstall.
Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the uninstall process.

Important: After uninstalling Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software, you may need to reinstall the drivers for your wireless adapter. To do this, go to the website of the manufacturer of your wireless adapter and download the latest drivers.

I hope this helps!

ii. Here are some known errors when uninstalling Intel PROSet/Wireless Software in Windows:

Error 1603: This error occurs when the uninstall process is interrupted. To fix this error, try restarting your computer and then uninstalling Intel PROSet/Wireless Software again.
Error 1605: This error occurs when the uninstall process is unable to remove all of the files associated with Intel PROSet/Wireless Software. To fix this error, try using the Intel® Uninstall Tool to uninstall Intel PROSet/Wireless Software.
Error 0x80073120: This error occurs when the uninstall process is unable to access the Windows registry. To fix this error, try running the uninstall process as an administrator.
Error 0x800704C7: This error occurs when the uninstall process is unable to find the Intel PROSet/Wireless Software installation files. To fix this error, make sure that you have the installation files for Intel PROSet/Wireless Software in the same location where you installed it.
Error 0x80070005: This error occurs when you do not have permission to uninstall Intel PROSet/Wireless Software. To fix this error, log in to Windows as an administrator and then try uninstalling Intel PROSet/Wireless Software again.
Error 0x80070424: This error occurs when the uninstall process is unable to remove a file that is in use. To fix this error, close any programs that are using the file and then try uninstalling Intel PROSet/Wireless Software again.
Error 0x80070020: This error occurs when the uninstall process is unable to create a new directory. To fix this error, make sure that you have permission to create new directories and then try uninstalling Intel PROSet/Wireless Software again.
Error 0x80070490: This error occurs when the uninstall process is unable to write to the Windows registry. To fix this error, make sure that you have permission to write to the Windows registry and then try uninstalling Intel PROSet/Wireless Software again.
Error 0x8007007B: This error occurs when the uninstall process is unable to find a file that is required for the uninstall process. To fix this error, make sure that you have the installation files for Intel PROSet/Wireless Software in the same location where you installed it.
Error 0x8007000B: This error occurs when the uninstall process is unable to access the Windows system files. To fix this error, run the uninstall process as an administrator.

If you are still having trouble uninstalling Intel PROSet/Wireless Software, you can contact Intel support for help.

iii. Here is a batch file (BETA) that you can use to uninstall Intel PROSet/Wireless Software in Windows:

@echo off

rem This batch file uninstalls Intel PROSet/Wireless Software.

rem Check if the user is an administrator.
if not "%username%"=="Administrator" (
echo You must be an administrator to run this script.
goto :EOF

rem Check if Intel PROSet/Wireless Software is installed.
rem If it is not installed, the script will exit.
rem The following command returns 0 if Intel PROSet/Wireless Software is installed, and 1 if it is not installed.
rem The EXIST function is used to check if a file or directory exists.
if not exist "%ProgramFiles%\Intel\WiFi\PROSet\IntelPROSetWireless.msi" (
echo Intel PROSet/Wireless Software is not installed.
goto :EOF

rem Uninstall Intel PROSet/Wireless Software.
rem The following command uninstalls the specified program.
rem The /qn parameter uninstalls the program without displaying any user interface.
rem The /norestart parameter prevents the computer from restarting after the uninstall process is complete.
msiexec /qn /norestart "%ProgramFiles%\Intel\WiFi\PROSet\IntelPROSetWireless.msi" /uninstall

rem The uninstall process is complete.
echo Intel PROSet/Wireless Software has been successfully uninstalled.

To use this batch file, save it as a .bat file and then run it as admin.

Uninstall Intel® PROSet/Wireless Software