Uninstall HP System Event Utility in Windows 10 (2023 Updated)

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmczCvt9y-I

Duration: 1:40

Task: Uninstall HP System Event Utility.
Info: This vid's goal is to help uninstall the HP System Event Utility cleanly. TRY this best uninstall tool@ https://macpaw.audw.net/c/376211/154407/1733 if you're having trouble doing so on your own.

i. Here is a batch file that you can use to uninstall the HP System Event Utility:

@echo off

:: This batch file uninstalls the HP System Event Utility.

:: Check if the HP System Event Utility is installed.
if exist "C:\Program Files\HP\HP System Event Utility" (

:: Uninstall the HP System Event Utility.
msiexec /x "C:\Program Files\HP\HP System Event Utility\hpseu.msi" /qn

:: Delete the HP System Event Utility folder.
rd /s /q "C:\Program Files\HP\HP System Event Utility"

) else (

:: The HP System Event Utility is not installed.
echo The HP System Event Utility is not installed.


To use this batch file, save it as a file with the extension ".bat". Then, run the batch file by double-clicking on it.

ii. Here are some known bugs in HP System Event Utility:

* **The HP System Event Utility may not start.** This can be caused by a number of factors, such as a corrupted installation file or a conflict with another program. If you encounter this issue, try restarting your computer and then running the HP System Event Utility again. If it still does not start, you may need to uninstall and reinstall the program.
* **The HP System Event Utility may not collect all of the system events.** This can be caused by a number of factors, such as a problem with the program's configuration or a conflict with another program. If you encounter this issue, try restarting your computer and then running the HP System Event Utility again. If it still does not collect all of the system events, you may need to contact HP support for further assistance.
* **The HP System Event Utility may crash.** This can be caused by a number of factors, such as a corrupted installation file or a conflict with another program. If you encounter this issue, try restarting your computer and then running the HP System Event Utility again. If it still crashes, you may need to uninstall and reinstall the program.
* **The HP System Event Utility may not be compatible with your computer.** This can happen if your computer is running an older version of Windows or if your computer does not have the required hardware. If you encounter this issue, you may need to upgrade your computer or contact HP support for further assistance.

If you encounter any problems with HP System Event Utility, please contact HP support for further assistance.

iii. Here are some tips on how to make the best of HP System Event Utility on Windows:

* **Configure the settings.** The HP System Event Utility has a number of settings that you can configure to customize the way it works. For example, you can choose which events to log, how often to log events, and where to store the log files. To configure the settings, open the HP System Event Utility and click on the "Settings" tab.
* **Use the event viewer.** The HP System Event Utility includes an event viewer that you can use to view the log files. The event viewer can be used to troubleshoot problems, identify trends, and monitor system performance. To open the event viewer, click on the "Event Viewer" tab in the HP System Event Utility.
* **Use the reports.** The HP System Event Utility can generate reports that you can use to share information with others. For example, you can generate a report that shows the number of events that have been logged in a given period of time. To generate a report, click on the "Reports" tab in the HP System Event Utility.

[FYI] While uninstalling the HP System Event Utility, you may encounter the following error codes:

1. Error 1316: The specified account already exists - This error occurs when there is an existing installation of the HP System Event Utility on your computer that is preventing the new installation from completing. You can try uninstalling the existing installation 1st.

2. Error 1603: A fatal error occurred during installation - This error occurs when the uninstallation process encounters a fatal error. This could be due to corrupted files or an incomplete installation. Try restarting your computer.

3. Error 1935: An error occurred during the installation of assembly component - This error occurs when there is a problem with the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable package that the HP System Event Utility is dependent on. Try reinstalling the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable package.

4. Error 2753: The file is not marked for installation - This error occurs when the installation file is corrupted or incomplete. Try downloading a fresh copy of the installation file and attempting the uninstallation again.

5. Error 2732: Directory Manager not initialized - This error occurs when there is a problem with the Windows Installer service. Try restarting your computer and attempting the uninstallation again.

Uninstall HP System Event Utility