Wuxia Wednesdays - 2024-04-24 - A Hero Born pt. IV

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nek1IIeONWo

Duration: 1:52:09

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We return to "Legends of the Condor Heroes 1: A Hero Born" by Jin Yong in rustic Mongolia! Plot rundown for last time: \n\nAfter the altercation between Qiu Chuji and the Seven Freaks of the South, Qui proposes a means for everyone to save face and show off their martial prowess: find the wife of either Skyfury Guo or Ironheart Yang and teach their child everything you can, so that the two offspring can have a fight before the wulin in 18 years time. Sounds great, but you have to FIND them first! The young Guo Jing, the late Skyfury's kid, is up in Mongolia hanging out with Temujin/Ghengis Khan. Can the Seven Freaks/Heroes of the South find him and teach him Kung Fu?\n\nYou can find my streams in various locations: \n\nhttps://www.twitch.tv/fraggoth\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UChJ5TfoobsI8wXqcBV5d4Fw\n\n...the latter of which has all my streams catalogued for your perusal!\n\nIt also goes without saying that any music or footage shown/heard on my channel are the properties of their respective owners. \n\nMy narrative lies now in this permanently recorded form before you, \nand I prepare my exit bow with the humble hope that I may have given you pleasure. \nIf so, I do beg you to tell me of it. \nThere are some who already have flashed their approval of my discs; \nI thank them most earnestly and gratefully. \n\n-Gregg Haljan, "Brigands of the Moon"