Wuxia Wednesdays - 2024-05-08 - A Hero Born pt.

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SgjjAk_HBo

Duration: 0:04

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More of "Legends of the Condor Heroes 1: A Hero Born" by Jin Yong! Our boy Guo Jing hit a bit of a wall in training last time, after being tested by a Taoist messenger from Qiu Chuji and taking a hit to the old self-confidence. Fortunately, some mysterious old dude showed up to teach him the mysterious and powerful secrets of... how to sleep? I mean, don't get me wrong, figuring out how to get a restful sleep IS very important, but how it'll affect his martial prowess has yet to be seen. \n\nYou can find my streams in various locations: \n\nhttps://www.twitch.tv/fraggoth\n\nhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UChJ5TfoobsI8wXqcBV5d4Fw\n\n...the latter of which has all my streams catalogued for your perusal!\n\nIt also goes without saying that any music or footage shown/heard on my channel are the properties of their respective owners. \n\nMy narrative lies now in this permanently recorded form before you, \nand I prepare my exit bow with the humble hope that I may have given you pleasure. \nIf so, I do beg you to tell me of it. \nThere are some who already have flashed their approval of my discs; \nI thank them most earnestly and gratefully. \n\n-Gregg Haljan, "Brigands of the Moon"