(YTP Triple Tennis (Overtime Round) 17 vs Ivan187) Origial Spirals are Never Ogre

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjlqUjowaFQ

Duration: 3:06

So apparently, Ivan decided at the very last minute to do an overtime round. A loyal friend of ours named AGKandvideomaker2000 decided to stop at round 14. Then Ivan decided to consider these said overtime rounds almost like a rematch of the tennis we both did last year. And instead of this being my last round, round 25 will be my last round. And don't ask if Ivan is combining all the rounds from the overtime bonus and the original thing. No. It ain't happening. I made the credits, and they stand. I am combining all the overtime rounds once they are done. And look for Ivan187's Dropbox if you want to see round 16. It ain't going up on YouTube until 2018, so merry fucking christmas, you filthy animals.

Where Ivan stashed round 16 for the winter: https://www.dropbox.com/s/e8fv38jnea89b4g/YTP%20Tennis%20Overtime%20Round%2016%20-%20ROB%20THE%20ROBBER%20BRINGS%20THE%20CLUSTERFUF%20BACK.mp4?dl=0

Origial. Yeah are these jokes getting stale?