


サイキタカシ is a YouTube channel which has 697 subscribers. He published over 14.19 thousand videos which altogether total approximately 868.86 thousand views.

Created on ● Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSvLi1bbqqLg4CToHvmfSpQ

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2024-07-25 1:53:27 PM ● 1 views ● 11:32
rRootage (2003)
2024-07-24 2:07:05 PM ● 2 views ● 4:26
2024-07-24 1:59:37 PM ● 2 views ● 4:14
2024-07-24 11:05:59 AM ● 3 views ● 21:50
2024-07-22 12:58:44 PM ● 1 views ● 15:52

Variety of Games on Channel

There are 436 games covered by サイキタカシ, consisting of 11155 videos, or 78.62% of the total videos on this channel.

100 Videos on YouTube Milestone for サイキタカシ

On November 1, 2014, サイキタカシ reaches 100 videos on YouTube with the release of the Call of Duty: Ghosts video "CALL OF DUTY GHOSTS 13", which has 13 views and 0 likes.

1000 Videos on YouTube Milestone for サイキタカシ

On April 17, 2016, サイキタカシ reaches 1000 videos on YouTube with the release of the God of War video "マーロウブリッグズと死の仮面 Part08", which has 5 views and 0 likes.

10,000 Videos on YouTube Milestone for サイキタカシ

On January 30, 2022, サイキタカシ reaches 10,000 videos on YouTube with the release of the The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky video "英雄伝説:閃の軌跡 第3章 鉄路を越えて~蒼穹の大地~【Part3】旧校舎・第3階層", which has 3 views and 0 likes.