Roronoa Drewind

Roronoa Drewind

United States
United States

Roronoa Drewind is an American YouTube channel which has 915 subscribers. He published over 7.04 thousand videos which altogether total at least 419.5 thousand views.

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About Roronoa Drewind

I am an American gamer who likes and plays all kind of games especially Sly Cooper, Puyo Puyo, Splatoon, most of the Crash Series, and Fortune Street/Itadaki Street. Currently, I got attached to watching One Piece along with playing One Piece games based off of the TV Animation as the Game titles mentions it. About me and Puyo: "I love playing Puyo Puyo and finding ways to improve. Though I may have a lot of doubt at times when it gets tough, I still have the confidence to keep on trying and not lose faith. I hope you will love puyo like I did and have faith in yourself even when it gets tough." Splatoon became my favorite shooter game when I saw it and played it. I grew up loving the famous orange marsupial and the many others who partake in the crash series and liked most of the games they created. Fortune Street/Itadaki Street: I am one of the people that liked the moneymaking game with Dragon Quest merging with Super Mario and Final Fantasy to make a battle of shops and stocks.

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2025-01-12 11:22:20 PM ● 3 views ● 0:00
2025-01-10 3:55:22 AM ● 40 views ● 0:00
2025-01-10 12:41:58 AM ● 25 views ● 0:00
2025-01-10 12:37:39 AM ● 62 views ● 0:00

Variety of Games on Channel

There are 188 games covered by Roronoa Drewind, consisting of 6661 videos, or 94.68% of the total videos on this channel.