Martin Guerrero - Extra

Martin Guerrero - Extra - Let's Play Channel Profile


Martin Guerrero - Extra is a German YouTube content creator with over 12.9 thousand subscribers. His content totals over 1.01 million views views across more than 1.48 thousand videos.

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About Martin Guerrero - Extra

Ich bin Martin Guerrero und mache auf YouTube alles zum Thema WWE und Wrestling.
Hier lebe ich meine anderen Hobbys aus, Gaming und Yu-Gi-Oh!

Montag: Livestream
Dinstag: Gaming Video
Mittwoch: Livestream
Donnerstag: Gaming Video
Freitag: Yu-Gi-Oh! Unboxing
Samstag: Gaming Video
Sonntag: Livestream

Also am besten Abonnieren und nichts mehr verpassen.

Most Viewed Games

Latest Videos

2024-07-14 3:00:01 PM ● 154 views ● 10:35
2024-06-26 6:00:06 PM ● 804 views ● 1:58:23
2024-05-22 6:00:07 PM ● 725 views ● 8:50:27
2024-05-15 6:00:07 PM ● 466 views ● 2:52:13
2024-05-08 6:00:06 PM ● 211 views ● 2:33:30
2024-03-27 7:00:07 PM ● 558 views ● 1:41:54
WWE 2K24
WWE 2K24 (2024)
2024-03-20 7:00:07 PM ● 1,183 views ● 4:27:10
WWE 2K24
WWE 2K24 (2024)
2024-03-13 7:00:06 PM ● 294 views ● 4:14:45

Variety of Games on Channel

There are 179 games covered by Martin Guerrero - Extra, consisting of 1343 videos, or 90.68% of the total videos on this channel.

100 Videos on YouTube Milestone for Martin Guerrero - Extra

On November 7, 2015, Martin Guerrero - Extra reaches 100 videos on YouTube with the release of the Anno 2070 video "Let's Play: Anno 2070 ★ Livestream vom 20.09.2015", which has 0 views and 15 likes.

1000 Videos on YouTube Milestone for Martin Guerrero - Extra

On July 8, 2020, Martin Guerrero - Extra reaches 1000 videos on YouTube with the release of the WWE 2K19 video "Best Of: Twitch Clips Januar 2020!", which has 1,170 views and 109 likes.