2023-10-04 | 🎃 Spooktober | Let's Play Ao Oni #1 - Ein unheimliches Anwesen 🏡 | 41:52 | 151 | |
2023-10-02 | 🎃 Spooktober | Let's Play A Ghosts Lullaby #1 - Spuk an der Schule 🏫 | 1:05:32 | 43 | |
2023-10-01 | 🎃 Spooktober | Let's Play Das Haus am See #1- Lost im Anwesen 🏚 | 54:01 | 52 | |
2023-10-01 | 🎃 Spooktober | Let's Play Final Nightmare #1- Rückehr nach Calm Falls 😸 | 1:19:37 | 71 | |
2023-09-29 | Let's Play Fire Emblem Immortal Sword #8 - Nicht alles klappt wie am Schnürchen | 1:00:53 | 16 | |
2023-09-29 | Let's Analysier Dark and Bright #12 | 20:17 | 12 | |
2023-09-28 | Let's Play Dark and Bright #28 - Das Ende von allem? [ FINALE ] | 1:34:08 | 18 | |
2023-09-26 | Let's Play Das Erwachen #77 - Ein Dunkler Herrscher zeigt Reue | 26:39 | 51 | |
2023-09-24 | Let's Play Strange Nightmare #9 - Simons teuflischer Plan [ FINALE ] | 1:29:12 | 32 | |
2023-09-23 | Let's Play Theia - The Crimpson Eclipse #34 - Nions Abrechnung [ XXL Folge ] | 1:38:19 | 18 | |
2023-09-22 | Spooktober Info Video | 10:39 | 43 | |
2023-09-21 | Let's Play Dark and Bright #27 - Im Ozean des Todes | 32:18 | 15 | |
2023-09-21 | Bärchis Härteste Bosskämpfe | "Der Bauchschiss" aus Calm Falls 2 | 16:13 | 23 | |
2023-09-19 | Let's Play Das Erwachen #76 - Bücher wohin man sieht | 31:59 | 49 | |
2023-09-17 | Let's Play Strange Nightmare #8 - Unterwegs mit Püppi | 20:13 | 46 | |
2023-09-16 | Bärchis Härteste Bosskämpfe | Troy aus Pokemon Smaragd | 26:07 | 27 | | Pokémon Emerald
2023-09-16 | Let's Play Theia - The Crimpson Eclipse #33 - Im Wrack des Roland Wing | 54:42 | 22 | |
2023-09-14 | Let's Play Dark and Bright #26 - Herr der Geister | 23:30 | 13 | |
2023-09-12 | Let's Play Das Erwachen #75 - Lesen Lesen Lesen | 38:21 | 46 | |
2023-09-10 | Let's Play Strange Nightmare #7 - Und wir beginnen von vorn... | 14:46 | 46 | |
2023-09-09 | Let's Play Theia The Crimpson Eclipse #32 Befreiungsaktion | 34:41 | 16 | |
2023-09-07 | Let's Play Dark and Bright #25 - IST. DAS. KRANK!!! | 52:23 | 17 | |
2023-09-05 | Let's Play Das Erwachen #74 - Langsam gehts vorran | 21:00 | 53 | |
2023-09-03 | Let's Play Strange Nightmare #6 - Separate Wege | 24:00 | 35 | |
2023-09-02 | Let's Play Theia - The Crimpson Eclipse #31- Vendetta | 50:08 | 8 | |
2023-09-01 | Let's Analysier Dark and Bright #11 | 9:29 | 9 | |
2023-08-31 | Let's Play Dark and Bright #24 - Klotzambeins Story | 52:44 | 12 | |
2023-08-29 | Let's Play Das Erwachen #73 - Kein Weg ins Königsschloss | 19:36 | 48 | |
2023-08-27 | Let's Play Strange Nightmare #5 - Nervige Nora wird immer nerviger | 25:23 | 21 | |
2023-08-26 | Let's Play Theia - The Crimpson Eclipse #30 - Weirder Grusel | 48:57 | 10 | |
2023-08-25 | Let's Play Fire Emblem Immortal Sword #7 - Clash of Clans | 53:27 | 7 | | Clash of Clans
2023-08-24 | Let's Play Dark and Bright #23 - Pixels Story | 47:30 | 14 | |
2023-08-23 | FETTES SORRY | Klarstellung zum letzten Talk | 43:26 | 73 | |
2023-08-22 | Let's Play Das Erwachen #72 - Die teilweise seltsame Bücherei | 38:16 | 33 | |
2023-08-22 | Gejammer aus der Bärenhöhle | Thema: Alles Rechts, oder was? | 49:57 | 135 | |
2023-08-20 | Let's Play Strange Nightmare #4 - Nerv nicht Nora | 17:01 | 18 | |
2023-08-19 | Let's Play Theia - The Crimpson Eclipse #29 - Grants Masterplan | 15:46 | 9 | |
2023-08-17 | Let's Play Dark and Bright #22 - Tunichguts Story | 36:37 | 16 | |
2023-08-15 | Let's Play Das Erwachen #71 - Die Oberstadt von Löwenhaupt | 26:58 | 32 | |
2023-08-14 | Let's Play Chibi Reboot 2 #11 - Astalavista, CH-181!!! [ FINALE ] | 11:16 | 22 | |
2023-08-13 | Let's Play Strange Nightmare #3 - Wir kommen voran | 25:29 | 24 | |
2023-08-12 | Let's Play Theia - The Crimpson Eclipse #28 - Verräter überall? | 20:33 | 8 | |
2023-08-10 | Let's Play Dark and Bright #21- Brummwiesels Story | 39:38 | 17 | |
2023-08-10 | Bärchis Review zu ALLEN Summer Break Jam Spielen | 1:34:26 | 63 | Review |
2023-08-08 | Let's Play Das Erwachen #70 - Hochzeit! Hochzeit! Wähwähwäh!!! | 36:16 | 27 | |
2023-08-08 | SUMMER BREAK JAM | Doku sa re ta tamashii (mit Entwicklerkommentaren) | 1:51:58 | 22 | |
2023-08-08 | SUMMER BREAK JAM | Der verschwundene Bruder | 5:31 | 8 | |
2023-08-07 | SUMMER BREAK JAM | Seelenwende | 1:28:22 | 27 | |
2023-08-06 | Let's Play Strange Nightmare #2 - Der wandernde Ofen | 33:56 | 20 | |
2023-08-06 | SUMMER BREAK | Sommerklang | 19:51 | 8 | |
2023-08-05 | Let's Play Theia - The Crimpson Eclipse #27 - Zurück in der Unterwasserbasis | 26:35 | 5 | |
2023-08-05 | SUMMER BREAK JAM | Mission Weltenrettung | 32:26 | 14 | |
2023-08-05 | ORIGIN - EIN PEN & PAPER ABENTEUER - Infovideo | 7:47 | 16 | |
2023-08-04 | SUMMER BREAK JAM | Die Höhle | 39:11 | 16 | |
2023-08-04 | Let's Analysier Dark and Bright #10 | 10:41 | 13 | |
2023-08-03 | Let's Play Dark and Bright #20 - Nimm das, Penibel 🏛 | 18:57 | 10 | |
2023-08-03 | SUMMER BREAK JAM | Tides | 18:50 | 16 | |
2023-08-01 | Let's Play Das Erwachen #69 - Die wahre Geschichte der Vorderen? | 20:38 | 44 | |
2023-08-01 | SUMMER BREAK JAM | Tales of World Wide Web | 1:59:12 | 76 | |
2023-07-31 | SUMMER BREAK JAM | Luno | 48:17 | 36 | |
2023-07-30 | Let's Play Strange Nightmare #1 - Unfreiwilliger Ausflug in die Wüste | 1:03:11 | 50 | |
2023-07-29 | Let's Play Theia - The Crimpson Eclipse #26 - Hochverrat...... wiedereinmal | 37:26 | 12 | |
2023-07-28 | Let's Play Fire Emblem Immortal Sword #6 - Na also es geht doch | 1:16:13 | 11 | | Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
2023-07-27 | Let's Play Dark and Bright #19 - Nachts im Museum 🖼 | 39:20 | 37 | |
2023-07-25 | Let's Play Das Erwachen #68 - SENSATION!!! Ein 9er Trupp!!! | 20:12 | 28 | |
2023-07-23 | Let's Play Calm Falls Reboot #5 - Lost im Krankenhaus [ FINALE ] | 55:56 | 29 | |
2023-07-22 | Let's Play Theia - The Crimpson Eclipse #25 - Da ist der Wurm drin | 41:11 | 12 | |
2023-07-20 | Let's Play Dark and Bright #18 - Arena und Minenchamps ⚔ | 31:35 | 14 | |
2023-07-18 | Let's Play Das Erwachen #67 - Der Veilchenblaue Schnitter | 24:35 | 36 | |
2023-07-16 | Let's Play Calm Falls Reboot #4 - Schlachtend durchs Schlachthaus | 57:43 | 38 | |
2023-07-15 | Let's Play Theia - The Crimpson Eclipse #24 - Unterwasser Basis | 34:16 | 15 | |
2023-07-14 | Let's Analysier Dark and Bright #9 | 4:53 | 9 | |
2023-07-13 | Let's Play Dark and Bright #17 - Katakomben Champ ⚔ | 31:37 | 17 | |
2023-07-11 | Let's Play Das Erwachen #66 - Das Dorf ohne Kinder | 29:52 | 41 | |
2023-07-09 | Let's Play Calm Falls Reboot #3 - I walk in the Park | 1:05:15 | 51 | |
2023-07-08 | Let's Play Theia - The Crimpson Eclipse #23 - Geächtet | 34:15 | 17 | |
2023-07-06 | Let's Play Dark and Bright #16 - Ich bin schwer verstört 😨 | 22:33 | 17 | |
2023-07-04 | Let's Play Das Erwachen #65 - In aller Ruh gehts nach Bergesruh | 25:46 | 44 | |
2023-07-02 | Let's Play Calm Falls Reboot #2 - Die Kanalisation | 53:07 | 34 | |
2023-07-01 | Let's Play Theia - The Crimpson Eclipse #22 - Tragischer Jahresbeginn | 54:28 | 14 | |
2023-06-30 | Let's Play Chibi Reboot 2 #10 - CH-181, du kleiner mieser Cheater! | 36:32 | 14 | |
2023-06-30 | Let's Analysier Dark and Bright #8 | 4:54 | 8 | |
2023-06-29 | Let's Play Dark and Bright #15 - Disco of Doom 🎵🎶 | 50:33 | 23 | |
2023-06-28 | Let's Play Chibi Reboot 2 #9 - Zebra is back! | 37:27 | 21 | |
2023-06-27 | Let's Play Das Erwachen #64 - Flucht vor den Magiejägern | 34:24 | 51 | |
2023-06-25 | Let's Play Calm Falls Reboot #1 Ah s*it, here we go again... | 1:04:06 | 69 | |
2023-06-24 | Let's Play Theia - The Crimpson Eclipse #21 - Stirb Bestie | 24:01 | 15 | |
2023-06-23 | Let's Play Fire Emblem Immortal Sword #5 - Diese Feinde sind OP!!! | 1:31:01 | 13 | | Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade
2023-06-22 | Let's Play Dark and Bright #14 - Wald-Abenteuer 🌲 | 20:48 | 15 | |
2023-06-21 | Let's Play Chibi Reboot 2 #8 - Dieser Turm ist ein Angriff auf die Menschheit | 32:51 | 17 | |
2023-06-20 | Let's Play Das Erwachen #63 - Infiltration der Räuberhöhle | 34:35 | 32 | |
2023-06-19 | Let's Play Chibi Reboot 2 #7 - Korrosionsgefahr | 24:07 | 11 | |
2023-06-18 | Let's Play Calm Falls Remake #7 - Flucht aus Calm Falls [ FINALE ] | 46:58 | 21 | |
2023-06-17 | Let's Play Theia - The Crimpson Eclipse #20 - Hochverrat | 26:49 | 11 | |
2023-06-16 | Let's Play Chibi Reboot 2 #6 - Manche mögens heiß | 33:50 | 10 | |
2023-06-15 | Let's Play Dark and Bright #13 - FRUS-TRA-TION!!! 😡 | 36:22 | 8 | |
2023-06-14 | Let's Play Chibi Reboot 2 #5 - Eisige Welt | 20:09 | 7 | |
2023-06-13 | Let's Play Das Erwachen #62 - Der Prügelvater | 16:38 | 41 | |
2023-06-12 | Let's Play Chibi Reboot 2 #4 - Waldspaziergang | 24:41 | 10 | |
2023-06-11 | Let's Play Calm Falls Remake #6 - Das Herrenhaus | 39:39 | 17 | |