


TASVideosChannel is a YouTube channel which has over 186 thousand subscribers. His content totals roughly 83.91 million views views across approximately 5.57 thousand videos.

Created on ● Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFKeJVmqdApqOS8onQWznfA

About TASVideosChannel

Here at TASVideos, we strive to push games to their limits. The emulators we use allow for undoing mistakes, slow-motion gameplay, and in some cases even utilizing botting and scripts to do our bidding.

Using these tools, we overcome human limitations to complete games with extremely high precision, entertaining our viewers as our players tear through games at seemingly impossible speeds. The end result of this process is simply a series of key-presses which may be performed on the original hardware.

Many of the insights collected during the making of these runs is documented on our resource pages, allowing new players to quickly catch up to our experts. Some of these tricks we use make the games look broken, but we are not breaking the games, just your notion of them.

You are invited to join the hundreds of authors and thousands of users that make up our community, share knowledge of games, provide feedback of TAS videos, and you're welcome to jump in and make TAS movies yourself.

Most Viewed Games

Latest Videos

2024-07-25 5:55:14 PM ● 351 views ● 1:03
Face-Off (1991)
2024-07-25 12:45:11 PM ● 977 views ● 3:18:02
2024-07-24 8:48:30 AM ● 1,001 views ● 6:30
2024-07-24 4:46:54 AM ● 1,214 views ● 3:27
2024-07-22 3:12:34 PM ● 4,937 views ● 28:07
Mega Man 2 (1988)
2024-07-21 7:15:39 PM ● 3,232 views ● 9:40
DuckTales (1989)
2024-07-20 4:27:24 PM ● 3,717 views ● 33:21
Mega Man (1987)
2024-07-20 2:48:55 AM ● 5,484 views ● 34:44
Mega Man 5 (1992)

Variety of Games on Channel

There are 1956 games covered by TASVideosChannel, consisting of 4815 videos, or 86.51% of the total videos on this channel.