About HokieGamer
This is my simple little gaming channel, where I share videos of the playthroughs of my favorite video games.
I have Mass Effect trilogy playthroughs completed for both Male and Female Paragon Shepards.
In addition, I have a complete Dragon Age series playthrough (Male Human Noble, Female Mage Hawke, Male Rogue Inquisitor Trevelyan).
I also have 8 playthroughs for Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR) posted (Female Jedi Consular, Male Imperial Agent, Male Smuggler, Female Sith Warrior, Male Jedi Knight, Male Sith Inquisitor, Female Trooper & Male Bounty Hunter), completed up through the latest expansion, "Legacy of the Sith". I plan on completing all 8 classes eventually (male & female for each) with all expansions included.
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