About Sirloin
Hey, I'm Sirloin.
My channel features walkthroughs, tutorials and other video game related genres. The goal of my channel is it to help people and showcase the key parts of the Games. Also, I try to make interesting videos about a variety of games that are informative and entertaining at the same time. All content on my channel is recorded and edited by me alone, and includes my own creative input in the form of edited gameplay and tutorials that are as simplified as possible so that everyone can understand them. I create postive helpful content to ensure full adherence to the YouTube partner program guidelines. Permission to upload each game was provided by the game publisher.
Business Inquiries - sirloingmbh@gmail.com
-- Impressum --
Turtle Entertainment GmbH
Managing Directors: Ralf Reichert, David Neichel
Registergericht AG Köln HRB Nr. 36678
Schanzenstrasse 23
51063 Köln
E-Mail: info@turtle-entertainment.com
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Variety of Games on Channel
There are 294 games covered by Sirloin, consisting of 7444 videos, or 96.57% of the total videos on this channel.