Hetherlum Productions

Hetherlum Productions


Hetherlum Productions is an Estonian content creator on YouTube with at least 2.5 thousand subscribers, publishing at least 6.99 thousand videos which altogether total over 1.32 million views.

Created on ● Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClfUjUQsv42nzU2UfLg3h4w

About Hetherlum Productions

A more light-hearted look at games! Also full completions of games, including side-content! Non-interactive archival of Online gaming.

This channel mainly presents gameplay videos of custom things like maps or campaigns people have created for games they love. You can also expect playthroughs, previews and even tutorials and MMO Archival.

Custom Content will return very soon! Misc Plays are also coming (Multiplayer games etc)

You can send me WoT Replays and/or custom content you would like me to see!

Throne wishlist: https://throne.me/u/brazinger

Channel started on the 22nd of March 2011
Hetherlum exists since 24. July 2007


- Transitioning to a new microphone within February 2021.

- Starting from 29th January 2022 I'm using an iPad Air 3 (2019) for mobile games.

- Desktop PC's main parameters: MSI RTX 2070 Super Trio, 64GB RAM and i7-11700 (7th August 2024).

- Current channel banner art was sent to me by Zion. It looks great!

Most Viewed Games

Variety of Games on Channel

There are 426 games covered by Hetherlum Productions, consisting of 6205 videos, or 88.76% of the total videos on this channel.