Terminally Nerdy

Terminally Nerdy

United States
United States

Terminally Nerdy is an American YouTube channel which has more than 1.08 thousand subscribers, publishing 480 videos which altogether total approximately 63.86 thousand views.

Created on ● Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZaxIxvAFPdW6kEJ-IRcLMw

About Terminally Nerdy

Home of Clay, an older nerdy gentlemen who loves sharing his passions and thoughts on indie games, narrative games, and other such things

In all things, always remember, be nice, be friendly, and STAY NERDY!

Please be aware my content is aimed at adult gamers


This part is for Indie Game Devs who find me. Hi! Hello there! If you are wanting me to look at your game, thats great! Simply go to twitter and tag me with your trailer ( at TermNerdy ) and I will decide if I want to pick a copy up or try your demo. I only will cover games that are either going to be in Early Access within a month, already IN Early Access, is a Public Demos, or Full Releases.

I am not about being part of your hype train, sorry. This is the ONLY way I will take contact, as well.

Most Viewed Games

Latest Videos

2024-06-16 8:16:42 PM ● 37 views ● 5:13:57
2024-06-10 3:52:40 PM ● 66 views ● 57:13
2024-05-29 7:00:10 PM ● 14 views ● 43:35

Variety of Games on Channel

There are 143 games covered by Terminally Nerdy, consisting of 409 videos, or 85.21% of the total videos on this channel.

100 Videos on YouTube Milestone for Terminally Nerdy

On February 14, 2020, Terminally Nerdy reaches 100 videos on YouTube with the release of the Mass Effect video "TN Plays The Mass Effect Trilogy #6", which has 17 views and 3 likes.