

Hong Kong
Hong Kong

香港01 is a Chinese YouTube content creator with more than 689 thousand subscribers. He published over 34.64 thousand videos which altogether total around 931.93 million views.

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About 香港01


《香港01》致力構建「媒體 +」互聯網生活平台,透過60多條內容頻道為讀者提供即時和多元化的新聞資訊,以及於多個生活服務平台提供個人化的互聯網服務。通過創新科技的應用,成為香港互聯網行業的先驅和領導者。


HK01 aspires to build a “Media +” internet lifestyle platform, which provides instant and diversified news & Lifestyle information in more than 60 channels, as well as personalized lifestyle services with multiple service platforms under the digital era for Hong Kong people. We are dedicated to becoming the pioneer and leader of the Hong Kong Internet industry through the application of innovative technology.

HK01 provides future leaders with the intelligence, technology, human expertise and the career development platform they need to revolutionize the Internet industry in Hong Kong. Let's join hands to break new ground in the digital world for now and the future.

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100 Videos on YouTube Milestone for 香港01

On January 27, 2016, 香港01 reaches 100 videos on YouTube with the release of the video "【01好生活】Dior Homme 電子音樂霓虹燈 黑白紅的當代", which has 208 views and 0 likes.

1000 Videos on YouTube Milestone for 香港01

On November 24, 2016, 香港01 reaches 1000 videos on YouTube with the release of the video "兩夫婦被尋仇 當街遭男子潑天拿水", which has 258 views and 0 likes.

10,000 Videos on YouTube Milestone for 香港01

On January 1, 2021, 香港01 reaches 10,000 videos on YouTube with the release of the video "羅子溢楊茜堯同劇開工唔係演夫妻 男方同失婚婦演一對", which has 2,401 views and 13 likes.