About Maverick Hunter HQ
This is a channel all about fusing video games and good music in a single footage. This is basically my videogames diary of sorts. Nobody may like them or even give a shit, but this is how I roll.
Lately I hardly add music to the videos since my new recorder no longer causes any framerate drops, so replacing the ingame sounds with music to compensate with the speed adjustment is no longer necessary. I only add music if I feel like using the tune.
In regards to the channel's name, please understand that this is a homage to Mega Man X and not a stolen idea. Of course, Mega Man and Rockman belongs to Capcom.
Note: Every video game featured in this channel are played on PC.
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Variety of Games on Channel
There are 331 games covered by Maverick Hunter HQ, consisting of 1863 videos, or 92.59% of the total videos on this channel.