1000 Subscriber Special: A Much Delayed Thank You.

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wF6FvUbxUo

Duration: 13:38

About 6 weeks ago I achieved on my biggest personal goals. My gaming youtube channel reached the 1000 subscriber milestone. Now 1000 subscribers doesn't sound like a lot of people especially when look at all the other great gaming channels on youtube, but I take a lot of pride in this accomplishment because if its one thing I've learned over the last 5 years is that I'm a much different gamer than everybody else. My youtube channel could be a lot bigger if I self promoted myself more, but I never feel comfortable showing my channel to as many people as humanly possible. It is one of the reasons why I never ask my audience to like, subscribe, comment and share my content. I respect my audience way too much to tell them what they should do.

Since I made this channel almost three years ago, the biggest thing I take from this is most importantly the great friends I've made. My closest friends in this community are not only gamers that share some of the same interests but they are also people that I know on a first name basis and I'm lucky enough to know and see these people for who they truly are (more importantly the person behind the gamer).

My channel wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for the inspiration that my wife Crystal gave me. I owe the Happy Console Gamer a lot of credit as well, because if it wasn't for his videos I wouldn't of wanted to create my own channel.

My channel has never had the highest production quality, but in all honesty I would rather keep it simple. For all the time I've been on youtube I've realized that I look at video game culture and the video game industry a lot differently than everybody else. I also consider myself a very serious person 95% of the time. Some of my most controversial viewpoints are:

- I do not support kickstarters.
- I believe in paying for a video game for what it's truly worth.
- I stick to anime style games only and ignore bigger well received triple a titles.

and many more.

Regardless of what I feel and how I perceive things it doesn't make me a better gamer than anybody else. Every gamer has their own way of looking at things, there is no right or wrong way of being a gamer. As long as your happy with what you do and how you perceive video games there is nothing wrong with that. While I may disagree with what people do or how they present themselves I will never go out of my way to insult them. I live by the golden rule that you treat other people how you want to be treated.

To me my gaming and my game collecting is a hobby and it will always stay a hobby. I will never make my hobby, my job. I look to my hobby as an escape because it brings positivity to my life when life can have its difficult times, but my responsibilities as a husband and as a provider will always outweigh my responsibilities as gamer.

Being a gamer is not a status symbol, and if your a gamer and your not having fun than your playing video games for the wrong reasons.

Where do I go from here?

Not very far, my channel is not going to change, and for the time being I'll only be able to make videos 2 to 3 times a year. My presence on social media will be very slim just because I prefer it that way. I have no interest in having a:

twitter account
tumblr account
instagram account
creating my own webpage

If the channel does grow it will probably be at a snails pace, but out of all the time I've been on youtube I've realized that I don't have fans, more importantly what I do have is friends and that is much more important.

To this day, I still remember every person that shouted me out and helped this channel grow and to each and every one of you I thank you immensely.

In ending,

Why do I complete video games?

By completing video games not only do you test your skill as a gamer, but in my eyes you also show respect to the development team that spent hundreds and even thousands of hours making a quality product for you. It's how I felt video games are meant to be played.

To complete video games is the beginning of an everlasting journey.

I knew I forgot people, so I wanted to take the time to give recognition to other people who have helped this channel grow as well.

Jay Blackheart

The Completionist
Anime (TV Genre)
playstation 1
PlayStation (Computer)
video games
Video Game (Industry)