20240229_2259 proving even streaming nintendo 3ds at time of choose was not let (messed about hacks)

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eueNkAgeXhA

Duration: 41:39

20240229_2259 nintendo POKÉMON SUN lv20+ evolved pokemon, riding bull pokémon and after I did water chapter while not recording

proving even streaming a nintendo 3ds at times of choosing was not let (messed about hacks)

I was kept on it to record past chosen time of 10 minutes to 20 minutes by blatant battle choosing (messerabout was blatant causing pikachu to battle 2 mudbrays was blatant linked to my choose when to complete the video*), funny sumtimes but not legal as choosing a use of purchased technology thats supposed to be home entertainment surely is not meant to be purchased for the use to be computer misuse stalked and harassed, computer misuse hacked, computer misuse stalk and harass home, illegal computer misuse spying and illegal computer misuse espionage, computer misuse electromagnetic attacked and cause susceptibilities to hacking damage of any tech it resides around and links to. These games are usually like this, controlled battles and progress to use my time and money on it as a home entertainment system (and not just games but all computing. and since 2000s and probably before). I have now proved this a ridiculous number of times.

*could be ai or and human implemented ai is also capable of controlling internet and computer activity by using spied activity.

and my description of an ai capabilities here, I mean a simple program that generates opposing results from an input for the blatant abuser, inputting spied input from another, or and blatantly hacker themselves changing a computer games code isnt rocket science just attacker wouldve had to have stupid time to mess my computers all the time and use time to messabout my video game leisure time and technologies