30 Days of Sunrise Gratitude-Day 25

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VLVa4aopEjI

Duration: 14:16

Let's talk about JOY. That deep abiding joy that is different than temporary happiness. In Buddhist practices, it is called Mudita, or sympathetic joy. Specifically, joy for the good fortune of others, which leaves us in a state of joy within ourselves.

Mudita is the quality of showing up with presence and tenderness for joy around you. When somebody else is happy, Mudita is a quality of heart that allows us to truly rejoice as if we were experiencing the joy ourselves. Try thinking of a time in your life in which somebody close to you experienced some success or happiness. Take a moment to pause and really notice the joy with an open and present heart, seeing if you can find some joy of your own in their happiness.

Let's sit for a Mudita meditation. Sitting upright, and settling in for your practice, connect with your heart right away. Place both hands over your heart. Sit in a way that feels kind and gentle. Allow the body to relax, and invite in a sense of ease. Spend a few minutes focusing on the body and the breath to help yourself settle.

Start the Mudita practice by bringing to mind somebody in your life that falls under the category of “good friend.” This can be a loved one, a family member, a friend, or maybe a teacher. The point is to find someone who it is naturally easy to care for and appreciate.

As this person comes to mind, picture them experiencing happiness. Maybe you know a time recently in which they experienced some joy. If not, try to picture the person smiling with contentment and joy. With the intention of caring for their happiness and showing up for it, begin offering some phrases of sympathetic joy:

May you be happy.
May your happiness continue.
May you appreciate your joy.
I’m happy for you.

Continue to extend these phrases toward a stranger, a difficult person, and ending by extending them to yourself. Pause before leaving the meditation to notice how this sympathetic joy feels in your body. As you watch the sunrise, commit to living in sympathetic joy all day.