Algicosathlon Day 5

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Duration: 48:34

Welcome back to my Algicosathlon series. This is day 5 out of 18. We have the two events swimming and DRTTB. Swimming is basically get to the other side as fast as possible without any restrictions. The fastest swimmer to get to the end was Cyan, with a 0:34.849. Saving time by staying in the water for a long time and didn't twitch at the end. Viewers, now it's your chance to give the non-eliminated athletes points before 8:00 PM CST Dec 15. If you want to give out the points now, please click this link here:
Don't Race to the Bowl is the same is RTTB, but you must avoid the bowl as long as possible. Get in the bowl later = better rank.
Now, let's see who is eliminated!
Navy, you are eliminated.
Memories of Navy
Navy had a major disadvantage at Race to the Bowl, placing 15th. Only Yellow did worse.
On the Long Jump, Navy had hope! He jumped really far that made him get third and chucked him to 4th/14th overall!
Navy was then trying his hardest to get a kill but unfortunately, he didn't and instead got bonked by Magenta and slapped by Brown, causing him to lose the event, but I somehow gave him a participation bonus of 100 points.
Navy then had a time of... well, I couldn't remember what it was but he was STILL in 4th.
On BMX Cycling, Navy fell off third and fell from 4th to 8th. Things are starting to look bad for him now.
On swimming, Navy was on pace, but he didn't get a 36.19x, falling down to 10th.
On DRTTB, he was 9th, the fourth to enter the bowl, and he fell down to dead last, eliminating him.
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We want this video to get a ton of support, so let's get 1000 likes again!
Day 6 will be posted at 4 PM.
Rejoins will be at the end at Day 8. (if possible)
