Amiga Longplay [156] Ultimatum

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Duration: 8:49

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Year of release: 1995

Wouldn't have longplayed this game if it wasn't a request. The frame rate is very poor on a standard Amiga 500, and can be too fast on an Amiga 1200. For people with too fast of a computer, the developer has added a Game Speed option so they can lower the speed if needed. I could play it at any speed I liked, but too fast makes it very difficult to play, especially aiming, so I settled for something in-between A500-A1200.

I found the game really hard with the default difficulty ("Experienced"), so chose Apprentice, which didn't make it much easier. Still very hard.

The intro music is crackling a bit. I checked the music file and it's low quality and/or bad instruments/samples being used.

As you can see in the options, there's the option to play with a joystick instead of a mouse. The good thing with a joystick is you can go backwards, which you can't with a mouse. But with the joystick the aiming gets WAY more difficult (for me at least).

Sometimes the preview of the level appears upside down. The developer said this in a document that came with the game: "On rare occasions the arena objects are upside-down during the "fly-in"
sequence, just before you fight your opponent. This appears to be a rather annoying quirk of Amos3D and cannot be corrected as far as I know".

Some more quotes from the document:


- Amiga Computer with KS 1.2 or higher
- 2 MB Chip Memory
- Mouse or Joystick
- this is a PAL game.
Note that there are different end game sequences depending on the level you are playing at. You only get the really, truly, it's all over, end game sequence if you are playing at the hardest level.

If you are defeated you may get another chance depending on if there are any continues left. There is also a secret mode if you know what to type in and where to type it in (HAH! Send us money and we will tell you what and where - see, another good reason to register).

Aww man, should have read it all before playing. I didn't know about the different ending sequences. Edit: had a look at the files. Can't see anything indicating in anything more than just one ending.

I picked up a Recoil Bomb at 04:54. What it does was mentioned earlier before the gameplay started, but here it is again: "converts all H-PAC energy, turbos and tankbusters into a single, devastating bomb. Line of sight is not required". Well, for something that does that, you would think it would almost one-shot the enemy tank, considering I had all 4 tankboosters and 29 more H-PAC shots. Just those manually alone would have done more damage, I'm sure. It even removed my 4 Turbo Boosts, which are not even damage dealers, so if they added to the damage - even more reason to like... one-shot the tank. There wasn't any mention in the intro of the level that the enemy tank would have more/stronger armor. Yeah, no aiming needed, but I still wanted to get closer and face him, as it feels more right :) Usually things like this does more damage the closer you are, as it didn't look like it was thrown.

I sometimes shoot at nothing. It's just to waste the remaining H-PAC ammo so I can get it refilled to max, as it won't refill if I still have something left.

08:03 - Killing myself to show the death and outro.
