Anime Cons is the Solution to Fixing School Systems

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Duration: 1:33:23

I share some ideas on how to fix the school system

- No oblationary classes
- Classes will work like an anime con style. Classes will be going on and there shall be a schedule. You can join and leave whenever and whichever class.
- Class subjects are different. More classes that teaches more how to follow your heart's desire, releasing your emotions healthy, recognizing what a healthy vs. toxic relationship are, sleep/lounge area to talk to others/play board games, classes where it's about a specific occupation, culture class, lifestyle class that shows how other people that are different live (disabilities and such), how to do taxes, buy a house, buy a car, what the heck are loans?, how to talk to other people and keep the conversation going, fun classes where you play hide and seek tag/be silly/house, improv, cpr, sewing, music, mental health, household chores (how to keep house clean, organize, do laundry, etc.), gardening/farm animals, other worldly classes that actually help you in the real world, etc. THIS DOES NOT EXCLUDE math, science, history and english. They are still available just not required anymore.
- Homework is optional!! Homework is more extra learning and you can ask the teacher for a specific arena to learn more of. All homework is due friday and you are responsible to pick up your last homework you turned in because teachers might gave you some helpful tips/insight of the topic.
- Didn't say in the video but optional testing. Students can ask to take a test to see (depending on the type of class) if what they know is the correct infomation. Like, I can see this for more occupational classes.
- No more mcas, stars, or whatever you want to call it.
- Each semester there shall be a schedule out with each subtopic of each class of what they're going to focus on that week. Example: Math Week 2 = geometry. Writing Week 4 = Plot. 
- Textbooks are not needed. All textbooks shall already be in the classroom. You may borrow them if you're doing homework and need it. But other than that, no need to buy them.
- There are no grades. No ABCDF grades!! We are not trying to compare or figure out how smart a person is. We are trying to give the opportunity of learning to people.
- 1st grade-5th grade might be merged together where they can take the same classes. Same with 6th-8th grades and 9th-12th grades.
- Not said in video but for college maybe just focus on your major. No other obligatory classes needed. Also, free college or at least lower than 10,000$
- Anything I miss? Let me know :D Also, add your own ideas too!! =^u^=

Mary Jane's youtube channel -

*When I said one of my moment heart's desire was to eat a twinkie I meant just desire. But I thought it'd be funnier if I just left that mistake in.

**I am also aware school currently DOES teaches people things and people do learn (I learn things) but I just got annoyed how a lot of it is a memory game and went with that more. But I do still believe it does encourage people to remember and then forget more than learning and keeping the info. I just couldn't say what I meant accurately. Also, a lot of the things we learn could be better because a lot don't have any use in the real world generally. So, that is also where I still stand. Also, with history, I hate that they will teach you something but leave out something to make the person look better. Or you just find out not in school that what you learn is just false. Like we learn Christopher Columbus discovered America and was an amazing hero and turns out that wasn't true. And I also heard he wasn't such a great guy either. Also, some founding fathers owned slaves?? These shouldn't be left out!! Stop hand picking history to make agenda that seems better??? If you're going to teach history, teach all the sides.

Hey Pack Mates!

I am back! Sorta? lol I was really dragging my feet on this one. I wanted to make this video for awhile now but things kept coming up and I was also putting it off but I'm glad I did it :D Woot woot~!

It is currently 3:18am Jan 30th. I am sorta tired? My sleep schedule is not normal lol I've been going to bed around 8am-ish lately. It's cool. There isn't really a reason to be up? Been also playing Stardew Valley a lot. Just completed the community center bundles! But now idk what to do on there, so, I'm probably gonna stop. Nothing really new has happened? There isn't much to update. Got a weird spam voice mail but I don't got calls (or texts) so I can't listen to the voice message. Neat.

Hope you all are doing snazzy~!

- Julienne
