Beetle Crazy Cup (music only)

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Duration: 17:38

Artist: Campagama
Source: Beetle Crazy Cup
Authoring: Audacity, A4000 (emulated), join2stereo (iff 8svx), GIMP2.10 (artwork)
Executed on: A4000 (emulated)
Quality: 8bit@12kHz stereo
Programs: DeliTracker, Multiview, NewPubScreen, SetColor, color cycle script

*I'm aware that this is a foreign game for the miggy* but i like the music of the game (better as the game itself, while i do like to play it). Further such a colorcycle i can't make in windoze (that easy) and of course not as backdrop
(it would work as well with "Multiview" or "WB Pattern" on the Workbench itself but this would be rather confusing that's why i have a second version showing a static image, this one is only for the fun of it). Sure neither the format makes much sense on such an old machine guessing that i had 300MB to waste on my real A4000 there isn't much left for music in an uncompressed format, 8bit@12kHZ is "compression" enough and it has a surprising good quality.
DeliTracker and Multiview i don't have to describe further i guess, SetColor is one setcolor program of many which i like best for its smallness unfortunately it reaches only from register 0 to register 31 and limits the images to a maximum of 32 colors which i casn't use all, on the Workbench i would have with a bitdepth of five a maximum of 12 exclusive colors to use, on the public screen i have a few more which i can use, bitdepth 4 won't work because it leaves only 6 exclusive colors on the Workbench (while it would work on the public screen). The colors obviously have to be unique in the palette, means none of the by the system used colors which further means it's a standard 8 color setup i use here else it would leave far less exclusive colors for me. Unrelated to the effective WB colors the OS leaves only half of the palette for the user the other half is reserved for the system, the public screen leaves almost all for the user except 10 which is a bit strange - why not 8 or 12? two are still reserved at the very end of the palette usually that would be the 4 additional colors for the icons to use. One image uses 8 exclusive colors for the color cycle plus grey as background which won't be cycled. If one uses the system colors one can have a little more as the left ones thus i usually implement the 8 standard colors to such a backdrop image and when dithered they will be used if they are close to what is present in the image in this manner i can gain 1 or two extra colors especially for 12 or 16 left exclusive. Down on 3bit i use the standard 8 for an image and down to 2bit a 1bit image grey/bright blue which isn't bad if you don't like to be distracted by the backdrop.

Image selection (one of three) is random (with exclusion of the previous images) as well as the durance for each image to show between 30 and 90 seconds, the color cycle itself is given but the repetitions are random limited from 1 to 10 repetitions after this the cycle will be reversed for again 1 to 10 times (depending on the shading one gives the impression of "inwards" the other the impression of "outwards").

Another possibility is (and the intentional one before i had the idea with the color cycle) to randomize a color table for such an "XTC" image and display this static on the Workbench. Sure one could randomize even the color table for the color cycle but the result will be unpredictable and the colors won't mostly not match well for a color cycle. If one would like it less agressive one could use a greyscale or an uni color range (all blue, all red, etc)

Almost the same is to reach in OS1.3 by use of WbPic or SimGen to display the image on the workbench in maximal four colors, SetColor will work the same here (next clip).

To the image processing; It is a rather simple thing, take any picture (but not any will suit well) make a greyscale of it (experiment with the settings to reach a good contrast) blurr the image using a gaussian softener in a relative high level, make an 8 color palettized image from this without any dithering and bingo you have your "XTC" image, recolor the greyscale to any color except grey because the chance is very high you come close to the system used grey 0xAAAAAA (i tint them in blue whith a little red fraction to reach 8 colors which aren't used/reserved by the system. Btw, 0xA0A0A0 will be taken as 0xAAAAAA just to show that the system has some tolerance in interpreting and remapping the colors).