C64 Longplay: Triacus

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=866Hf093xTI

Duration: 12:57

What a weird game. Sort of a Gyruss / Defender hybrid in which you have to shoot enough ships in order to get to the next level. Not a big fan of the sound effects and the gameplay isn't the greatest but at least it has an end message.

ROMS: http://www.gb64.com/search.php?a=5&f=3&id=4292&d=45&h=0
CODER INTERVIEW: https://translate.google.co.uk/translate?hl=en&sl=it&u=http://ready64.org/articoli/leggi/idart/82/intervista-ad-andrea-carboni-e-andrea-pompili&prev=search
MAG SCAN: https://archive.org/details/commodore-64-club/Commodore%2064%20Club%2009/page/n3/mode/2up
“In this beautiful space game you will play the planet-killer; an individual engaged in the destruction of all the planets that have fallen under the dominion of the dark power of Gahr, following the invasion attempt that occurred in the year 2050, when the armies of Gahr tried to take over the planet Earth.

Once the invaders were repulsed, they fled to five hitherto unknown planets. One of the latest messages sent by the federal government points to the five planets occupied by Gahr: Marcus, a small planet on the edge of the Aldebaran system; Cetar, the planet populated by small albino peoples; Othos, which represents a great threat, due to the immense fortifications present on the surface; Nubulus, on the other hand, is made up of pure gas and it is not known exactly who it is inhabited by. Finally we have Akar where Gahr established his stronghold. Akar perhaps represents the end of your labors; once the planet is eliminated, perhaps the universe will have peace.

To load the game type LOAD "'TRIACUS", 8 and press the RETURN key.
When the computer responds with the READY message. type RUN and press the RETURN key again; once the uploading operations have been completed, wait for the presentation to finish; at this point press the SPACE key to get all the possible information on the planets and an information parenthesis on the game; through this possibility you will be able to obtain all the information you need to play.

By pressing the CTRL key you will enter the "training" mode where you can practice against enemies without being killed.

To play in normal mode, press the FIRE button on the joystick; at this point you can move in the four main directions by moving the joystick in the corresponding direction; the FIRE key instead is used to shoot enemies.

The author of the program is strongly requested to contact the editorial staff.
ne (Tel. 02/5244125) for details on the remuneration."


andrea carboni