COMM11003: Communication in Professional Contexts Assessment Tasks

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Social Media can be Perceived by Organisations as an Affordable and Easy Form of Communication
1 Written Assessment
Assessment Title
Essay or Report
Task Description
Essay OR Report: 1,800 words (40 Marks)
Your task is to produce either a formally written essay or a formal business report on the following topic:
Social media can be perceived by organisations as an affordable and easy form of communication. Assess how audience, message, channel and noise impacts the effectiveness of communication delivered via social media platforms.
Write a 1,800 word essay or report on this topic as a Word document (no zipped files, pdf or rtf files).
You are to use a minimum of five (5) CARS compliant sources in addition to the unit text in the referencing of your assignment. Your sources should include at least two (2) journal articles accessed from the Library databases. You are to use the American Psychological Association (APA) style of referencing.
CARS Checklist
C = is the source CREDIBLE? Does it make sense? Is it a place that usually provides unbiased/impartial information?
A = is the source ACCURATE? Is it up to date? Are the statistics/data recent or relatively ‘fresh’?
R = is the source RELIABLE? Is it a place you can always count on to be correct and trustworthy?
S = is the source SUBSTANTIATED? Do you know who wrote/designed/hosts it? Do you have a name you can check up on?
Note: The word count is considered from the first word of the introduction to the last word of the conclusion. It excludes the cover page, abstract, contents page, reference page and appendices. It includes in-text referencing, direct quotations and words contained within tables that are in the body of the assignment.
Further details on this assessment and a criteria sheet are provided on the Moodle unit website. Please review all assessment information before beginning this assignment.
Social media can be perceived by organisations as an affordable and easy form of communication

Assessment Due Date
Week 6 Thursday (27 Aug. 2020) 6:00 pm AEST
This assignment is due on Thursday of Week 6 by 6 pm AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time)

Please contact Professor Robert for a sample/customized paper of this or any other assignment.