Crazy Inmate Requests DIRT For LAST MEAL! o_O' Strangest Last Meal Requests On Death Row

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Duration: 4:41

In most countries and states where the death penalty is enforced, the prisoner may choose whatever they'd like to eat for their last meal. Some states have had to place tight restrictions on what can be had, due to the prisoners making some rather odd requests, here are 10 Strangest Last Meal Requests On Death Row.

1. Lawrence Russel Brewer
The state of Texas no longer allows "The Last meal" request and its all thanks to this guy.
Lawrence ordered:- a triple bacon cheeseburger, a cheese omelette with ground beef and trimmings, three fajitas, two fried chicken steaks, a meat feast pizza, 1 pound of bbq meat with half a loaf of bread, a bowl of fried okra, a pint of blue bell icecream and peanut butter fudge and 3 root beers.
When the ordered arrived Lawrence didn't eat any of it, saying he "wasn't hungry!
This enraged Texas Senator, John Whitmire who then banned the last meal request in the whole state.

2. Ronnie Lee Gardner
Ronnie's last meal request was Lobster tail, steak, apple pie with vanilla ice cream and a 7up, not so strange, right? but he also asked to be able to watch the lord of the rings trilogy while he ate, thus prolonging his last meal 11 Hours! good job he didn't ask to watch the complete series of Law and Order.

3. David Leon Woods
Davids request was to share a standard pizza and a birthday cake with his family, since it wasn't his birthday or that of any member of his family, it may have been a deathday cake.

4. James Edward Smith
James had one of the strangest last meal requests ever, he asked for a lump of Rhaekunda type soil. It is believed he wanted it to preform a voodoo ritual as this type of soil is associated with witchcraft and voodoo. his request was denied and he was given a yogurt.

5. Victor Harry Feguer
For his last meal Victor asked for a single olive with the Pit left in. After his execution the olive pit was found in Victor's suit pocket, it is believed that he wanted an olive tree (which symbolizes peace) to grow from his grave. If only he had James Edward Smith's Rhaekunda type soil!

6. Aileen Wuornos
Aileen didn't ask for a lot for her last meal, surprisingly little actually. a single cup of black coffee was all she wanted, probably because she didn't see death as final, her at words were "I'm sailing with the rock, and I'll be back, like Independence day, with Jesus. June 6th, like the movie. Big mothership and all, I'll be back, I'll be back."

7. Ricky Ray Recktor
It appears that Ricky may have had similar intentions to Aileen. he ordered a Steak and some Fried Chicken with a cherry kool aid and a slice of pecan pie, Although he ate the food he left the pie untouched. when asked if he was going to eat it, he said "I'm saving it for later!"

8. Philip Workman
Philip workmans last meal request was strangely charitable for a convicted criminal. he asked for a vegetarian pizza to be given to a random homeless person, his request was denied and he ate nothing. Surprisingly though, on the day of his execution, homeless shelters all over Tennessee received large amounts of vegetarian pizzas sent from people all over the country.

9. John Wayne Gacy
Also known as the killer clown "Pogo" , when it came to his last meal request he didn't clown around. he ordered, a dozen fried shrimp, a bucket of KFC, French fries and a pound of strawberries. Having managed three KFC restaurants you'd have thought he'd be sick of KFC! just goes to show, it must be "Finger Lickin Good!"

10. Thomas J Grasso
Thomas picked a very strange mix for his last meal, 2 Strawberry milkshakes, 6 BBQ ribs, 2 dozen steamed clams, a Burger King Double cheeseburger, and a can of "SpaghettiO's". Although when his meal arrived he was given spaghetti with meatballs instead. his last words were "I did not get my SpaghettiO's. I got Spaghetti. I want the press to know this."

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10 craziest last meal requests from death row
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