DA Origins Part 9: From the Circle to the King's Camp

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNCDRCnMCUY

Duration: 18:22

The sealed phylactery chamber door can be opened from the inside, so there’s no need to backtrack all the way through the basement. We simply head out the door and head upstairs—to find Irving, Greagoir and a force of templars waiting for us, just as Irving and our character had planned. An angered Greagoir admits that Irving was right about Lily, and also reveals that Jowan’s been accused of practicing the forbidden art of blood magic. Blood magic is magic fueled by blood rather than mana and is considered both dangerous and sacrilegious, so it’s clear now why Jowan was slated for the Rite of Tranquility.

Greagoir sentences Jowan to death as a blood mage and orders Lily imprisoned in Aeonar prison, and a desperate Jowan responds by cutting his hand and attacking the templars! He’s just proven the charges against him were true, and a shocked Lily dumps him on the spot, but Jowan is still able to escape. Lily gives herself up and is taken into custody, but Greagoir is livid that a blood mage is now on the loose and isn’t at all happy with us, either. He berates us for our actions, while Irving defends us and says we were just following his orders. An argument between the two of them starts, but it’s interrupted by Duncan coming over and offering to take us in as a Grey Warden recruit. Greagoir is astonished by this and strenuously objects to the idea, but Duncan insists. Grey Wardens emphasize duty and dedication, which we’ve demonstrated by helping out Jowan and Lily. Greagoir is skeptical to say the very least, but Irving assures Duncan that we would make an excellent Grey Warden. Despite Greagoir’s objections, he’s outvoted and Duncan takes full responsibility for us. We say our goodbyes to Irving and depart the Circle, possibly forever. For better or worse, our life has dramatically changed.

Duncan takes us to Ostagar, a key strategic fort on the southern border of Ferelden. It faces the Korcari Wilds forest, where the darkspawn are pushing forward from; if the fort falls Ferelden risks being overrun. Due to the castle’s strategic importance King Cailan Theirin is personally overseeing Ostagar’s defense, and all the Grey Wardens in Ferelden have come here to fight alongside his army. There have already been several clashes against the darkspawn, and a major assault is expected soon. After we arrive, the king personally greets us and welcomes us to Ostagar. He’s friendly and treats us well, but to say that he’s overconfident would be an understatement. He’s sure that the darkspawn are going to be easy to defeat and actually expresses dismay that an archdemon hasn’t been seen, wishing for a glorious battle like in the history books. Duncan is considerably less optimistic, but the king is the one in charge. It’s a bit disconcerting, but right now we have to focus on our Grey Warden initiation. Duncan tells us that another Grey Warden, Alistair, is in Ostagar waiting for us. Once we’re ready to begin the process of joining we’ll need to link up with him. Until then, we’re free to explore Ostagar.

Dragon Age: Origins