DA Origins Part 8: Success

Published on ● Video Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MCvI_NdihA

Duration: 14:58

With the upgrades complete and our player character now wearing a cowl I picked up in this room, we can resume our drive to the phylactery chamber. I open the next door and drop a Glyph of Paralysis on the other side to catch any defenders. It works perfectly—three enemies are on the other side, but one gets caught and frozen in place, giving us a temporary numbers advantage. Our group quickly dispatches the Sentinel who rushes over to engage us, then I start attacking an ethereal spellcaster while Lily and Jowan beat up on the paralyzed enemy. I’m very pleased with the Glyph’s success in this engagement, and manage to repeat its success in the next clash. The next room has small dinosaur-like creatures called deep stalkers as the opposition, and my Glyph freezes one of them in place, letting us defeat it easily. The rest of them are still active and we have a scrape with them, but we’re able to win without much trouble.

We move on, defeat a few more Sentinel parties, and finally reach the artifact repository that Irving told us about. Jowan is the first to notice that the wall looks a bit crumbly, and our character helps him move a bookcase out of the way. Conveniently, an old magic amplifier that looks like an animal statue is right near it, and using the rod on it lets us blast a hole into the wall. We’re now in, and it’s just a matter of finding Jowan’s phylactery. Unfortunately, it’s guarded by a tough group of Sentinels, including a “boss” called the Sentinel Guardian who’s tougher than the others. I make a point of dropping a Glyph before the battle starts, and sure enough one of our opponents triggers it and gets frozen, making the battle significantly easier. The Sentinel Guardian puts up a tough fight, but with one of his comrades frozen we have the advantage and win the day. With the opposition gone, we search the room and find Jowan’s phylactery on a shelf. Jowan is overjoyed to find it and drops it on the ground, shattering it and eliminating the Chantry’s only way to track him. Now it’s time to get out of here.

Dragon Age: Origins