Dead Alive: Peter Jackson & The Art Of Excess

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Duration: 15:35

These days, Peter Jackson is best known for directing big budget spectacles. He took the Hobbits to Mordor. He cast Benedict Cumberbatch as a dragon. He brought us the sight of a motion-capture King Kong smacking around a bunch of dinosaurs. But when he was just getting his career started, he was making very different kinds of movies. Horror comedies that were drenched in blood. And pretty much every other bodily fluid you can think of. In 1992, he brought the world what may be the bloodiest film ever made. A zombie comedy he would call BRAINDEAD, but many fans know it as DEAD ALIVE. And if you haven’t seen this one yet, it’s THE BEST HORROR MOVIE YOU NEVER SAW.

Written by: Cody Hamman
Edited by: Paul Bookstaber
Narrated by: Kier Gomes
Produced by: John Fallon and Tyler Nichols
Executive produced by: Berge Garabedian

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SERIES SYNOPSIS: Our Best Horror Movie You Never Saw series is dedicated to highlighting horror films that, for one reason or another, don't get as much love as we think they should. We know plenty of you horror hounds out there will have seen many of the movies we pick, but there will be plenty of you who have not.

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horror movie review
joblo horror originals
john fallon
lance vlcek
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80s horror
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2000s horror
dead alive
dead alive review
dead alive peter jackson
peter jackson
zombie movies
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dead alive trailer 1992
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horror movie
1992 horror